three; without you

485 19 61

i left some breakfast on the table for kokichi along with a note with where i was headed. training, obviously.
same old, same old. shuichi and maki did great, like always. i, for some reason, was out of it. i didn't feel great leaving the house.
' kaito, your phone's been vibrating like crazy... ' shuichi decided to point that out now after it had been for the past few hours.
' huh..? ' i quickly checked, seeing the calls and messages from kokichi.

[NEW] kichi
toure leving me to? im sory pls come bak pls i cant walk i ned u

kairi imsorry pls what did i do ill fix it

etc... etc...

' of course! im so stupid! he couldn't get my breakfast or the note! my futon was in the way! ' i facepalmed, rushing home. ' kokichi? '
an eerie silence filled the house. i slowly grabbed a kitchen knife just in case, climbing up the stairs.
i flinched at the sound of pills scattering across the wooden floor as i dropped the knife, running into the room. ' spit it out right fucking now! ' i yelled, the poor boy listening and emptying his pill-filled mouth into kaito's hand.

' good boy... ' i breathed a sigh of relief, petting his head.
' im... sorry... ' he spoke in a broken voice, tears rolling down his cheeks.
' don't apologize! '
' stop yelling at me, dammit! '


' let's just... forget this happened... im hungry, get me breakfast, ' he ordered, laying down.
' right... ' i didn't know what else to do. i wanted to listen, but he didn't want to talk. i brought him his waffles, helping feed him.

he's kinda cute when he's crying.

' perv, ' he stifled a laugh, able to read my expression like a book.
' s-shut up! ' i bonked his head lightly.
he always did that. when i caught him sad, he always got out of confrontation. but i couldn't just force him to talk.

' ever since the simulation ended, ive been getting these... nightmares... but it's so weird... like... '
' screaming? sleepwalking? ' i finished for him.
' what? '
' I hear you scream from my room, it scares me a shit ton. '
' i scream? i just... sometimes wake up smooshed under the cushions... or under something... and then i have a panic attack... '

we settled on going to therapy together. i would attend with him to help with his trust issues since apparently his last therapist... he got a little too attached and mister therapist decided to go all touchy touchy.

' but... how do i even sleepwalk if im disabled? ' kokichi muttered, making me think too.
' it hurts to walk, right? so you could've just walked through the pain in your sleep... '
' true... '

we stayed on the bed together for a few minutes of comfortable silence, interrupted by me standing up. ' ill head to bed now. '
' wait..! i-i noticed it went away when i slept with you... ' he said barely loud enough for me to hear.
' what was that? i couldn't hear you, ' i said truthfully, nearing him.
' nothing, goodnight! ' he closed the door on me.


kokichi set out breakfast, humming a little song to himself as he did so. he had his earbuds in and he thought i wasn't home, watching him work. the way he swayed around with the broom, his eyes glued to the task he was given. it felt like we were married...
' morning, ' i ruffled kokichis hair to snap him out of it, him flinching before relaxing, nuzzling into my hand. was that reflex? or was he just teasing?

yeah, hes just teasing... there's no way im gay...

' momota chan! look! ' he puffed out his cheeks, seeming irritated that i hadn't noticed anything.
' what? ' i rubbed the back of my neck.
' legs! working! not hurting! '

i looked down at his legs, my mouth slowly going agape. ' KOKICHI, THATS SO COOL! ' i picked him up, spinning him around in my hold out of pure excitement.
' yeah! they said i should sit when i get overwhelmed or tired! ' he informed.
' you did so good! ' i praised, kissing him out of pure instinct.

i didn't expect him to return the kiss... he seemed surprised, but he slowly melted into it, his eyes fluttering close.
' momota chan, you have to close your eyes when you kiss someone~... how embarrassing~... ' he covered his face, his cheeks tinted a slight pink.
' i... have to go... ' i couldn't process what just happened. of course, kokichi didn't take that well.

' no! wait, no please don't go! ' he became desperate, holding my wrist. despite his tiny frame, he was smaller than me...
' this is just a lot to proc— '
' i don't care if you don't like me back! just please stay with me! i can't be alone again! '

was i really the only one he could trust?
not even shuichi...?

' okay... ill stay... ' i sat on the couch with him.
' we can just... forget about this... ' he mumbled, obviously not wanting to.
' no! that's not why i was... ugh... i thought i was straight! '
' well you could be bi, pan, et cetra... sexuality is difficult... '

i sort of just sighed, laying in his lap. he seemed surprised, but rested his hand on my shoulder. ' i never got to thank you... for helping me with the simu— ' he started before i interrupted him with another kiss.
' whatever... you said ' momota chan, i need you! ' that was so fucking hot. '
' kaito! ' he became all flustered, slapping my arm gently.

this was nice.
i never want this to end.
but all good things come to an end, right?

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