Chapter 3

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We all started falling asleep until Vernon walked in asking us if we needed to go to the lavatory and we all raised our hands meaning yes.
As we walked to the bathrooms, I tripped but John caught me.
I said "Thanks..." nervously.
John just gave me a smirk and we both followed the others.
After we all finished, we went back to the library and John pulled the chair beside me out and flipped it and sat with his chest against the back of the chair when he sat down.
He had his arms under his chin on the back of the chair as he said "so... It's Sabawa right?"
I smile then say "Actually it's NADIA Sabawa."
He says "Cool...I assume you already know who I am?" I nod.
Then, he got up and said "Who's going with me to my locker?"
We all get up and go with him.
John pulled a bag of marijuana out of his locker and I said "John!" He gave me a smirk.
Allison just stood there with her jaw dropping.
Claire,Andy And I all started following John and Andy told Brian to shut up because Brian was complaining about how John has drugs.
Then Brian and Allison followed after us all.
We were all trying to hurry and get to the library but kept running into Vernon.
Andy said that we should take the activity hallway but Bender said to take the cafeteria.
We went the activity hall way and ran into a gate.
Bender hit the gate and said "Shit! Look what you've brought us to Andy!"
Claire said "we're screwed!" John said "no... I am."
He grabbed Brian by the pants and stuffed his drugs in Brian's pants then took off running and yelling.
I yelled "John no!" And then I began running after him.
John saw me and yelled "Nadia! Stop! No!"
I just continued running after him.
Then I caught up to him and and we just both started yelling and then I started singing uptown girl and John started singing along with me.
Then we got to the Gym and we started playing basketball loudly until Vernon came in. Vernon said "What the hell are you two doing in here?!"
I say "playing basket ball." As John scored a goal. Vernon said "You two come on!" John acted like he was going to throw the ball to Vernon but rolled it to him instead and Vernon kicked it at John and John jumped over it though.
Vernon then took John and I to closets and locked us in them.
I was in the closet for about 15 minutes CRASH!
John had climbed through the roof to the closet I was in from the the closet he was in.
I said "John what the hell?!"
He smiled then said "what? I needed some company!" I smiled.
Then John got super close to my face and said in my ears in a whispering tone "Your hot, you know that?" Then we made eye contact and I kissed him and he kissed me back.
We made out for a while and then John started taking his jacket off. Then I knew were this was going and I continued. John then took my shirt off and kissed my neck leaving hickeys.
John then started taking his clothes off and I took mine off too.
Then, John said "Are you sure you wanna do this?" I nodded and said "mhm." Then he smiled and slowly lined up with my entrance and slowly thrusted in.
It was at first and John noticed and said "Are you okay?" I nodded.
Then, I started feeling pleasure!
That's when his thrust became harder and Faster.
He released slight groans and I was trying really hard not to moan.
But then, I couldn't hold it anymore and that's when I became a moaning mess!
We had sex for about 20 minutes and then John said "umm..."
I said "what is it John?"
He said "I didn't use protection..." I said "And you released inside of me?!"
He nodded.
I yelled "John! Why?! Oh no! My aunts going to kill me!"
John said "I'm sorry..." We just put our clothes back on and he climbed through the roof back into his closet.
I then climbed to the library through the roof but I didn't know he was doing the same.
We both fell through the roof in the library.
John said "What? Forgot my pencil." Then he grabbed his pencil.
I then said "Claire?"
She said "yeah?" I said "Can we talk?"
She said "of course." We went to the back of the library and she said "What is it Nadia?"
I said "I may be pregnant..." she said "By who?"
I look at John and she says "Bender?!" In a whispering tone.
I nodded looking down.
She says "when did this happen?" I said "about an hour ago..."
She said "Why do you think you may be pregnant?" I said "he released inside of me and we didn't use protection..."
Claire said "He is so stupid! Why would you let HIM take your virginity?!"
I said "I was into it as we made out and then we had sex..."
Claire said "well you won't know until a few weeks because it takes some time for symptoms to show." I then said "Thanks Claire." She smiled and said "No problem."
Then, as I was going to sit down John Came to the back of the library and started smoking the marijuana with Brian.
Claire did too.
I just stared at John and he gave me a slight smile. Then Brian started trying to eat the smoke because of how high he was. Then he look at John as he held his smoke with sunglasses on and said "Chick cannot hold his smoke, das what it iz!" In a funny voice and I just laughed. Then Claire said "Do you know how popular I am? I am soo popular every loves me at this school." Because of how high she was.
I just laughed at her.
Then, John looked at me showing off his cigarette as a way of asking me if I wanted some and I shook my head no.

End of Chapter 3

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