~Learning 6: Fear~

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-Outside of U.A.-
   After (Y/N)'s wounds and injuries have healed from yesterday's activity, he makes his way towards U.A. High while carrying his backpack, with one strap lazily hanging off.

Although his wounds were healed, he still felt sore on some areas and aches from other spots.

(Y/N): 'Yesterday was quite boring. On the account of my injuries, I'm surprised to even live this long from survival. The last thing I need is-'

Kou: "Morning, (Y/N)!"

He as then interrupted by a cheerful voice joyfully jogging towards to him.

(Y/N): "Morning? "

Kou: "Well? How do you like how strong I am? I was able to beat you yesterday even with your trash talk!"

(Y/N): "Really? Last time I checked, you were also knocked out with me. I don't think that qualifies as a 'win.'"

Kou: "Sure it does! It just... was a delay. Yeah! I'll be sure to beat you for realsies!"

(Y/N): "..."

While walking, Kou lightly grips his shoulder as he quietly winced. The same side where his wing was injured from the same activity.

As they were one block away from their destination, they noticed a group of people crowding the front gate of U.A.

Kou: "Oh? Is there an event today?"

(Y/N): "Hm?"

As (Y/N) narrows his eyes, he sees that the group of people at the U.A. gate are actually...

(Y/N): "It's the press."

Kou: "Press? What are they pressing? Getting in the school?"

(Y/N): "People from the news. Cameras and annoying reporters."

(Y/N): 'Brilliant.'

Kou: "Wait. Why are they here? Is there a Villain attack?"

(Y/N): "This is most likely because All Might is now a teacher at U.A. It's becoming a big risk when someone figures it out."

(Y/N): 'But the question is, why is he even teaching? Is this how Heroes are like now? The higher the ranking, the higher the strength, the higher the stupidity?'

Kou: "If you say that they're bad, then let's fly over them. Here..."

He said as he reaches his hand to (Y/N), before the latter stares at it for a while.

(Y/N): "No thanks."

He said as he jumps over the walls of U.A. from the side, while a faint yellow glow surrounds his legs.

As he left Kou behind, Kou follows him, while extending his wings, and him gritting his teeth.

   Both (Y/N) and Kou entered the classroom as all of their classmates were already inside.

As they walk towards their seats, some of them began talking about something. Even without the hearing ability, they can, almost, be heard of what they're saying.

Ashido: "I don't get it. Why does Kou keep hanging around (L/N)? He doesn't seem like a friendly type."

Sero: "Not to mention, he doesn't treat him right."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2022 ⏰

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