Chapter Thirty Three

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"We need to decide what would be the best for the baby." Mrs. Roberts sadly said.

Y/N's parents, Mina's parents and the married couple were all gathered in the living room of the young couple's house in Busan.

After the silent and awkward breakfast that they all had together, the older couples decided to go straight to the main point why they arrived unannounced at the young couple's house. That's to decide about their marriage and about the baby.

"I've been telling you, Mom, just let us have a divorce and let Jared marry her then it's all settled." Y/N nonchalantly suggested.

She doesn't seem to care about everyone's emotions. Especially her wife.

"No! I will never let that happen. This is yours, Y/N! This baby is ours! How many times do I have to say that?" Mina can't help but to raised her voice a little out of irritation and frustration.

She's been hurt by her wife's behavior towards her. Y/N has been suggesting to have a divorce so Jared and Mina could get marry for the sake of the baby. But Mina refused the idea.

"Mina, sweetie. How certain are you that the baby is Y/N's and not Jared's?" Mina's mom asked softly while holding her daughter's hands.

Y/N was sitting in front of Mina, across the table, on a couch. While Mina was sitting on the long couch in between Y/N's mom and her mom. Mr. Roberts and Mr. Myoui were both sitting on the single couches in the middle of the living room.

"I never let Jared touched me again after that one mistake we made." Mina paused to look at her wife intently but the only eyes she met was a pair of emotionless eyes. "Believe me, Y/N, please. We only did it once, I was so guilty of what I did so I avoided him since then. You're the only one I love, please, don't doubt that." Mina finished with her head hanging low and sobs coming out from her mouth.

Y/N let out a sarcastic chuckle that made her wife and both of their parents to look at her.

"Stop lying, Sharon. That baby can't be mine." Y/N glared at Mina angrily as she spit out those words.

Mina shook her head no. She was about to stand up and approach her wife but Mrs. Roberts refrain her from doing so. "Babe, I swear, I'm telling the truth. This is your child—"

"SHUT UP!" Y/N yelled as she stood up hastily that earned a shock expressions from the elders but neither of them say a word. "Stop saying anymore lies, Sharon!" She said with a gritted teeth.

Y/N was trying her best to control her anger because she doesn't want their parents to see them like this. But her anger is rising and she seemed to lose her control. Especially when Mina was standing on her ground.

"I'm not lying! Why can't you just believe me?! I'm not lying, Y/N!" Mina fought back in between her sobs. She managed to stand up and faced her wife. "Please, babe. I love you. Please, believe me." Mina pleaded.

But instead of believing her wife, Y/N angrily glared at her that caused Mina to cry again.

"That child can't be mine because I can't bear a child! I can't impregnate you! I won't be able to impregnate you because my sperms are weak! So how come that baby is mine?!" Y/N suddenly announced that caused a wave of silence in the whole living room.

Shock was evident in their faces.

Y/N knelt down to get an envelope that was placed under the coffee table in the living room and placed it on top. Indicating them to read the paper inside of the envelope.

Mrs. Roberts was the first one to move. She unfolded the envelope and read what's inside loudly. After reading the content of the papers, a loud gasps was heard in the whole place.

Married to TWICE Mina ✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon