Chapter 2

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Lunchtime came around very quickly. It seemed that all my classes were either with Yachi or Tsukishima which were two very different experiences. Yachi and I, mostly her, would chatter while working. Tsukishima and I would be quiet and work together while listening to music with the occasional talking of asking each other for help. I like both of them but they gave me whiplash from the differences. 

While pulling out my lunch Tsukishima's name was called out really loud. Looking up it was Hinata, Tsukishima groaned 

"What is it Hinata?" he asked annoyed

"Can I sit with you, Kagayama abandoned me" he pouted

"No" he responded opening his lunch. Hinata then proceeded to beg Tsukishima hoping he would give in.

"He's not going to bunged as much as I hate to tell you" I stated plainly taking a bite of my lunch. Not liking this Hinata pouted before walking out all gloomy "I knew he was dramatic but damn experiencing it is another thing" I said looking t the door 

"Now you know how I feel," Tsukishima said. All throughout lunch we talked to each other about random things. It was nice for me to be friends with one of them already. It would make it less weird and hard to get to know the rest anyway. 

After a little while, I went out to get a drink from the vending machine. After getting one I turned around only to see three guys surrounding me "Um can I help you?" I asked confused the middle of the tree leaned one arm against the vending machine while the other two covered his sides, blocking me in.

'Oh great' I thought sarcastically

"Hey, pretty thing you got a boyfriend," the middle one asked I rolled my eyes and tried to push my way but couldn't "Woah not so fast, you haven't answered me" I scoffed

"Here's my answer," I said before uppercutting him with my fist knocking him backward. His friends backed up. The dude groaned as he laid on the ground "Next time don't try to gang up on a girl" I said walking away before 

"You bitch!" the dude said before yelling in pain. I turned around only to see the dude on the ground again with a bloody nose and Nishinoya in front of me 

"Don't touch her" he growled the dude spatted out blood

"Hmm you're not even that pretty anyways" he commented getting up and walking away with his friends in toe. Nishinoya smirked before turning toward me 

"Are you alright? They didn't hurt you, did they?" he asked concerned 

"Oh yeah, they didn't touch me. Thanks for that, I wouldn't have been able to fight him off" I told him 

"Ah, it's nothing. Nishnoya Yuu" he introduced with his hand out

"Mika Nori" I shook his hand he smiled his signature smile which made my heart skip from cuteness. 

"Would you like me to walk you back to your class?" he asked 

"Sure, wouldn't want to get ganged up again" I joked walking next to Nishinoya. We made short chat nothing too deep

"Well nice to meet you, Mika, see ya around," he said walking away

"See ya" I said then walking into the classroom before the bell rang for the end of lunch. 

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