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Huffing, we all were on the ground sprawled out exhausted. During the matches, we gave our all. the current score was 15-17 as I and Bokuto were winning. 

"My thighs hurt" 

"My legs hurt" 

"My everything hurts"

"My arms hurt" we all complained. The gym door opened 

"Mika are you-- why are you all on the floor?" Kenma asked coming inside

"We were playing a game"

"Before we all got tired" Lev and I explained

"Oh, you up for some video games?" Kenma offered 

"Hell yeah Oof!" I yelled then tripping over something. Bokuto was grabbing my leg 

"No don't leave me" he whined 

"Bokuto, get off!" I yelled trying to prior him off but not working 

"Nooo--" he kept winning as I tried to get him off me. That was until Lev joined into making me roll around with both of them attached to me. Eventually, I was on the ground with Bokuto and Lev on top of me before Kuroo joined too

"Ugh! Will you guys get off me! You're all heavy!!" there were only responses of groans or no's. Looking over at Kenma he walked over handing me his handheld. We played with me being squashed underneath them. After a few minutes of playing we stopped and just talked until Kenma pointed out that all three boys were asleep.

'Isn't that uncomfortable?'  I thought referring to how the boys were positioned on top of each other sleeping.

"Kenma pull me out," I said holding out my arms. He grabbed them and started pulling. I moved a little bit for Lev's and Bokuto's grip caused my shorts to start slipping "Ah, my shorts are coming off" I mentioned letting Kenma got and trying to pull them up

"Maybe if you tickle them it will work" he suggested with that idea I turned around and tried to tickle Bokuto. Eventually, I was able to reach him and tickled him. Immediately he woke up laughing and squirming around making the others fall down and wake up. Kenma had to push Kuroo aside so he wouldn't fall on me

"Huh, what happened?" Lev asked waking up groggily

"Yes, I'm free! Let's go Kenma!" grabbing Kenma we both ran out of the gym.

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