Chapter 16

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For days after I couldn't bring myself to face any of them so I stayed in my room. Let's just say my absence didn't go unnoticed. Every day one of the boys would come over to see how I was doing. My phone blew up every hour with multiple texts from them. It even reached Kenma, Bokuto, and them. This only made me feel worst deepen the state I was in. 

'I wonder what would happen if I died in this world? Would I just go back to my world or would I be gone forever?' I thought looking up at the ceiling. Shortly after pounding was heard on my door proceeded by shouting from Hinata

"Mika, come out or we're coming in!" He announced I just scoffed. The door was then kicked down. Hinata, Nishinoya, and Tanaka charged me and dragged me out of my bed and out of the house. I was set on the ground outside surrounded by the whole team looking down at me

"Mika!" looking past their legs I saw Bokuto and Nekoma's team all running to me. Bokuto slid down hugging me close while Kenma came beside me and held a hand on my shoulder. I tried to hold in my feelings but I couldn't. With a loud and defeated scream, I started sobbing and blubbering nonsense for what seemed like forever until I stopped and was curled up in Bokuto's arms

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" I sniffled "I should have told you guys. I planned on telling you, I promise I did" I sniffled more 

"Tell us what exactly?" 

"How did you know about Kagayam and Oikawa?" Hinata asked my chest tightened 

"I'm" I took a deep breath "I'm not from this world" 

"What?" Everyone cynically said 

"This world?" I climbed out of Bokuto's arms

"To put it simply, I'm from an alternate world where this is an anime called Haikyuu and you all are characters in that anime" it took a second for them to process this. When they did I was bombarded with questions about crazy things "Wait so you guys aren't mad at me?" 

"Why would we be mad?" 

"If anything we're happy" 

"We were really worried about you after that night" 

"And you telling us that just proves we're awesome" Nishinoya announced. I didn't know what to do. I didn't even think they accept me without a fight to explain myself. I started laughing. I laughed so hard that I was bending over and holding my stomach before falling to the ground 

"You guys--haha are so---haha" calming down I caught my breath "You guys are always full of surprises, aren't you. I love you guys" 

"Aw, we love you too" everyone then gathered for a group hug.

After a couple of minutes of answering the guy's wild questions and hanging out with Bokuto and they had to go back and catch a train. 

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