Chapter 13

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The gym fell silent as everyone tried to process the move that had just been done. The silence was broken by the whistle calling it the ball in scoring us a point. That was until another whistle was called 

"Illegal move" the ref called out followed by everyone else chiming in telling me that I am not allowed to do that. I looked around at everyone as they called out 

"Coach, you did make sure that was legal right?" I asked turning toward him

"It's legal. I don't know what they are going on about" he said walking over to the ref

"Hm always knew Karasuno would pull something like this" one of the players on the other team commented 

"Of course they would. Their nothing special" a sickening feeling started forming in the pit of my stomach. My hands started shaking as did my body. With the game on pause and us standing around I moved beside Tsukishima while staring at the floor

"Mika?" Nishinoya mentioned everyone turned toward me. I was staring at the floor as my body shook

"What's wrong?" Dachi asked concerned 

"I--" my mouth felt dry suddenly Tsukishima upon looking down at me an expression of realization crossed his face. Careful he wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me in toward him as he set his hand on my head. I tried to talk but I couldn't 

"Huddle around," Dachi told the team as they all came over and created a group around Tsuki and me. For some reason this made me feel better. My body stopped shaking Tsukishima pulled back a little bit 

"Feel better?" he asked I nodded but still hugging him. 

A whistle was blown

"Resume the game. It's legal" the ref called out a weight lifted off of me when I heard that

"Ah thank god" I breathed out as the huddle broke apart with everyone returning to their positions

"You good?" Tsuki asked I nodded as he got into position. The next serve seemed different as I felt a magnet to the ball calling me. It wasn't until the ball came over to our side that I called it

"Now!" I yelled running toward Asashi who pushed me up as Kagayama set it over to me. It was like slow motion as the ball came toward me at the same time their star was going to block it. The feeling I had felt dissolved becoming something else. 

Anger, rage

"AH!!!" I yelled hitting the ball with all my might making it go right past their head into an open space that no one was defending. The ball went in scoring us a point.

"Woohoo!!" we all yelled when the point was called 

"Ha! Screw you! I don't need your approval!" I yelled out.

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