Chapter 4

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When we got to his office he proceeded to ask each of us what happened, starting with Dachi, Suga, and Asahi before getting to Haru and me. 

"You see sir, I was just minding my business before she tried to push herself on me. I told her no but she didn't listen" Haru started 

"You little--" Nishinoya held me back

"Ms. Nori you will please calm down. Violence is not the answer" Haru preceded to turn the blame on me saying that I asked for it. I was shaking in Noya's arms from anger "Now Ms. Nori you tell your side" I got out of Noya's arms and told my side. Specifically explaining that this all happened yesterday and it was him and his gang that started it but was stopped by Nishinoya yesterday before trying to do the same today. 

"Well it seems like it is only right to have you Haru, to have deletion" 

"What! No, it was --" the principal put up a hand 

"All evidence points that you were the one who started it. Plus your track record doesn't do you justice either" Haru grumbled before stomping out of the office. The bell rang signaling class started again. We were given excuses and sent back to our rooms. 

"Haru's such an asshole" Noya grumbled 

"At least he got what he deserved," Tanaka said we all agreed

"Noya, don't think about getting in a fight with Haru. If you do you won't be able to play" Dachi threatened

"I'm not" he sighed "I guess we'll see you later, Mika," he said 

"See ya. Sorry for dragging you all into this" I apologized

"Don't worry about it. You have a great day" Suga waved as they walked away. 

'That was not a good way to meet them' I thought walking back to my classroom. When I sat down Tsukishima asked quietly what happened

"This guy has been trying to mess with me since yesterday only for him to get caught. The problem was I dragged some other people in it" He gave a complex look 

"What's the dude's name?" he asked 

"Haru, I never got a last name. I think he's older than us since Dachi, Suga and Asahi seems to know him" I explained, "Why do you ask?" 

"Don't worry about it" he told me

"Don't do what I think you're going to do" I told him. He side-eyed me before going back to the lesson.

It wasn't long before school ended and I headed over to the gym to watch the guys. I was peaking through the window before 

"Mika, why are you here?" I heard Tsukishima asked I yelped as fell down. This seems to catch everyone's attention as they came running out of the gym


"What are you doing here?" All the guys asked me before looking at each other

"What! you know her?!" They asked each other before they all explained to each other how they met me

"Are you just gonna ignore that she was watching through the window over there?" Tsukishima asked I nervously laughed 

"Wait, why are you late Tsukishima?" I asked 

"I had someone to meet with. Don't ignore the question" he circled the question around 

"I was ugh--" my mind went blank I couldn't think of a good excuse. "Honestly, I just want to watch you guys play. I know it's creepy sounding but the way you guys play is so entrancing" 

"If you wanted to watch us you could have just asked me to bring you, Mika. I didn't mind" Yachi told me. I nodded as they all went back to practicing. I went helping Yachi while also watching the boys play. I managed to get some pictures of them during their plays. 

It seemed like practice went by fast. Faster than it seemed possible. As I was getting ready for bed my phone went off with a notification. Looking at it it seemed that someone I was friends with on a game wanted to play tonight. I texted them back yes before hopping on the game with my headset.

"Hey Mika, how have you been. It's been a while since we've talked" their voice seemed familiar as it was monotones and bored 

'There is no possible way that--' 

"I've been good. Um sorry reminded me of your name, I hit my head a few days ago and it's been hard to remember things" I explained 

"Oh, that doesn't sound good. Well, I'm Kenma Kozume. We met through monster hunter"

'You've got to be shitting me. What's next I know one of the guys from Aoba Johsai' I thought as my mind tried to get pasted tight I was gamer friends with Kenma 'I mean it makes sense since I like video games and he plays them' we started playing video games. Kenma was much better than I was expecting and so was I as I didn't really know what I was doing consciously. It wasn't until midnight hit that I needed to log off for the night

"Yeah, I got to go too. Tomorrow night maybe?" he asked 

"Yeah let's anyway goodnight," I said before logging off and going to bed. 

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