Chapter 14

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The first time Mika pulled her signature move it caught everyone's attention especially a certain someone

"Hey Iwa ready out number #14's info," he said 

"Mika Nori. Number 14. Position wing spiker. First year. Female" Iwaizumi readout

"Give me that," Owikawa said tearing the magazine out of his hands before looking at it intensely

"Why do you want to know? It's not like you know her" he remarked sitting back Oikawa said nothing and looked back and forth between the paper and Mika down on the court

"I do know her" this through Iwaizumi for a loop

"Wait, no-- don't tell me she's--" 

"She is" he snapped Iwaizumi sat back 

"You fucked up" 

"I know" he said as he intensely started at the girl on the court.

As in the first match, we won the second with a landslide.

"You did it!" 

"Go, Mika!" The whole team yelled as they picked me up and carried me 

"Asashi's the one who won the last point" I told them. All of them then proceeded to chant my name as they threw me up.

"Alright, alright let's go line up" Ukai said walking over to the line as we thanked everyone for coming and shook hands with the players and everyone. As we got our stuff and were walking back to the van it seemed like everyone was still so happy that we won.

"The great king" Hinata pointed out as he stopped I turned from who I was talking to, to see Oikawa with Iwaizumi standing there. Upon laying eyes on Oikawa a memory. Visually crystal clear memory appeared.

It was early spring during elementary almost middle school. The trees were bright green with their leaves as winter had just passed.

I had been friends with Oikawa for 6 months. Everyone had always said that he was a jerk or arrogant that they wouldn't imagine wanting to be friends with him but I didn't listen to them. After all, he had never been mean to me at all and I had also developed a small crush for him while friends with him.

I was walking around outside during lunch when Oikawa came over to me

"Hey Oikawa" I greeted 

"Hey Mika, do you like me?" this took me off guard. I became very nervous

"Um I may like you just a little bit" I nervously answered that's when he laughed 

"I told you she was gullible! Look at her! Haha!" Oikawa announced over to a group of boys who had been hiding behind a bush closeby 

"You were right Oikawa. Why would someone like her like you" 

"So gullible!" They continued to say other mean things about me while right in my face. I was deeply hurt by this. 

"You meany!" I yelled pushing Oikawa down 

"Oof what was that for?" 

"You know what, everyone was right about you. You're a meany! I'm not your friend anymore!" I yelled my hands instantly connecting to the necklace I was wearing "And I certainly don't need this stupid necklace!" I yelled throwing it at him before running off and crying somewhere. 

"Hey Mika," he said waving. Anger filled me. A hundred thoughts flooded my mind as to what I should do or say. My grip on my bag got tighter as Tsukishima set his hand on my shoulder I snapped back. Oikawa looked nervous while standing there. Making a simple plan, I walked up to him. Looked him firm in the eye. And punched him in the jaw. As in slow motion, as my fist connected with his face, everyone's face transformed to shock. Iwaizumi face's was shocked before reacting to Oikawa falling back a little bit. Saying nothing after I stalked off toward the van where I sat in the back with my headphones on looking out the window. Eventually, everyone else filed in loading the van before driving off. 

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