Chapter 3

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It seemed like the rest of the day went by slowly after that compared to the beginning of the day. When it was the end of the day I said goodbye to Tsukishima as he left for volleyball and I 'left' school. I sat by a tree that was in front of the school's entrance and waiting for a good 10 minutes before heading over to the volleyball gym. There was no way I wasn't just going to leave the school and not stalk the while team, what kind of web do you think I am? I looked through the small window outside and counted everyone in there to make sure none of them were still in the locker room. As I looked around at them all practicing, my stomach filled with butterflies from just seeing everyone in-person playing. It was entrancing almost hypnotizing at how into the game they were playing. While they played I got an idea halfway through the practice. I grabbed my phone and pulled up the camera, making sure the flash was off, I started taking pictures of them during practice. Some of the pictures I caught were amazing while others weren't.

"Alright, that's the end of practice! Let's clean up!" Coach Ukai announced I could feel my ovaries explode from just looking at him

'Shit he looks so much better in real life' I thought the sounds of balls being put up and everything snapped me out of my trances. I started heading back to the tree I was at waiting for Yachi to come. It wasn't long before she came running up

"You ready?" she asked excitedly I nodded as we headed off.

The next day while walking into school Nishinoya called out to me

"Oh hey Noya, what's up?" I asked

"Nothing much you haven't seen those from yesterday have you?" he asked

"No I haven't but school hasn't even started so I doubt I'll see them. Please don't tell me you're planning on beating them up are you?" I asked

"What! No-- well"

"Noya!" I said slapping him. He laughed

"Hey, hey I was kidding" we talked for a little bit before Tanaka came up and slung himself on Noya

"Who you talking to Noya? Is this your girlfriend" he joked

"What-- no she's not!" Noya exclaimed before blushing hard. I laughed at this

"I'm Mika, Nishinoya saved me from some guys yesterday that ganged up on me" I told him

"Don't tell me you got into another fight" he yelled

"No I didn't" I laughed at Noya pouting for getting scolded

"Well we should be heading to class, nice to meet you Mika" Tanaka said

"Nice to meet you too" I headed back toward my class seeing Tsukishima staring out the window "Hey Tsuki"

"Don't call me that" he said side glaring at me

"Why not? It's a mouthful to say your name" he sighed before the teacher entered the classroom.

'So far I've met most of the characters. All I need now is to meet the third years but that will never happen' I thought walking down the hallway until I bumped into someone

"Oh, I am so sorry! I should have watched where I was going" I apologized

"Oh it's not that big of a deal. I should have watched where I was going" the voice sounded familiar. Looking up, my brain stopped working.

'WTF' I thought as Asahi was standing right there 'I bumped into the team's sweetheart'

"Hey, Asahi!" Another voice yelled only to turn and see Dachi and Suga walking toward us

'I swear this can't be a coincidence' I thought as they walked to Asahi

"Asahi, who she see?" Suga asked pointing to me

"Oh we accidently bumped into each other. It was my fault" I answered

"Honestly it was my fault" Asahi defended Suga and Dachi laughed at this

"You two are going to get nowhere if you keep blaming yourselves for the mistake" Dachi stated

"Well bye" I said before turning around only to bump into another chest "Move it!" I yelled to the person only to see it was the same dude from yesterday "Not you again" I groaned

"You two have met before?" Suga asked

"Look who it is Ms. Pretty little face," the guy said

"Fuck off dude. I don't have the patience for this" I told him walking away only for him to stop me by my arm

"Let go of her" Dachi chimed in

"Oh and what are you going to do about it?" Haru asked

"This" Haru turned around only to be punched in the jaw by Nishinoya, Tanaka was also with him too. Haru rubbed his face

"Why you little--" before either of them could hurt each other Tanaka, Suga and Dachi grabbed Noya while Asashi held Haru while the principal came speed walking down

"What is the meaning of all of this?!" he yelled

"Gary's been ganging up on Mika" Noya hissed struggling against the others. The principal told us all to come to his office. Noya and Haru were released but departed by the guys while I trailed behind.

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