Chapter 7

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As I was putting up the volleyballs while cleaning up I was suddenly picked up and thrown over someone's shoulder before taking off 

"What the-- put me down!!" I yelled hitting their back 

"Hey, hey, hey calm down," Bokuto said I hit him once more, this time on his ass before being forcefully put down "You're aggressive, you know that" he mentioned rubbing his butt. I chuckled 

"Yeah well, don't pick me up by surprise next time" looking around I was in another gym "Why am I here?" I asked seeing Kuroo and Lev also in here

"We wanted you to do those super cool jumps against us!" Lev exclaimed 

"How about a game of two on two?" Kuroo asked spinning a ball around in his hands

"Sure, why not," I said 

"Great, you're with Bokuto as he called for you earlier," Kuroo said walking to one side of the net with Lev. 

'He wanted to play with me?' I thought to myself as we got ready for Kuroo's serve. As was setting himself up I could see where he was going to aim it. Slowly I side-stepped until he serves it. The ball went exactly like I thought making perfect contact with my hands sending it upwards. There seemed to be a slit pause of surprise as Bokuto hit the ball to the other side. Running over to the net Kuroo setted the ball for Lev who spiked it. Bokuto went to block it but I had a better idea

"Bokuto squat!" I yelled running to him. Stunned he bent down with his legs out. I sprung off of his left thigh into the air "Jump now!" I yelled as I went into the air. The ball at this time was in the air in front of Lev as he was going to hit it. From using Boktuto as a spring I had jumped in front of Lev as Bokuto jumped too blocking his hit. Being caught off guard Lev hit the ball lightly, taking this chance I hit the ball back. It came down only for Kuroo to hit it back. Coming down, I immediately ran toward Bokuto again. Kuroo hit the ball making it come slowly toward our side with not much momentum. Taking it I bounced off Bokuto again coming right up to the ball and slamming it down away from them. Being too slow to react the ball hit the ground. I came down panting a little bit while Bokuto rubbed his thighs aggressively while on the ground

"Ow, my legs! Mika why do you get to hurt me like this?!" he exaggerated 

You're kidding, right?' I deadpanned

"Impressive reflexes. How did you know where my serve was going?" Kuroo asked 

"The general angle of it. Not to mention your body position" I mentioned 

"Damn she analyzed you" Lev laughed before Kuroo glared at him sending shivers through Lev. When we started the second serve I could tell that Kuroo was being conscious of what he was doing. When he served it was slowed down

'Float serve' the ball dropped next to the net just as I hit it. Bokuto hit it hard to the other side trying to score only for Lev to hit it over. The match went on for some time with the ball not hitting the ground. Until the moment was perfect, the ball had been hit from the other side making it fly through the air toward our side 

"Squat! Behind!" I called out Bokuto squared looking behind to see me coming. Placing one foot on his back than my other foot "Up!" Bokuto lifted himself up as I jumped off his back and into the air. I went higher than Kuroo and Lev could jump. Meeting the ball, I hit the ball behind them toward the back left. It hit the ground scoring a point. As I fell down I noticed how high I was "AH!" I yelled coming down only for Bokuto to catch me bridle style. 

"Thanks" I laughed a little

"This is going to be a long match" Kuroo pointed out as the third match started. 

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