Chapter 5

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"It was a connection at first sight with you."

12 YEARS AGO-the first meet

Alishka chatted with her friend Sanya as they waited for their maths class to begin in their tutor's place.

In enters through the main door a guy and his mom.The guy was about 5'7" or 5'8".He looked as if he had fought a battle and lost it.His hair was super messy.They both sat down and waited for the teacher to come.

"What's up with this guy?He looks so unpresentable!Is he going to be the new student?"Sanya whispered to Alishka. "I know right!He looks so defeated!Im so not going to be his friend,"Alishka replied. At that very moment the guy looked at the girls,which they didn't notice.

Their teacher came after 10 minutes.He talked to the new guy and his mother,setting his routine.Soon they left and the other students came and finally their class began.


Alishka reached quite early for her maths class.They would have a test today.She used her phone as she waited for her friend Sanya,who lived quite far from Dhanmondi.

The other students,Fayaz and Shreya came soon and so did Sanya.There were four students that day.Their teacher came and their test begin.Sanya and Alishka tried to help each other sneakily,even though the test was fairly easy. Fayaz gave it on his own.Shreya looked at the question and continued to struggle.

As they continued to give the test,the new guy entered.Since he was new,the teacher spared from giving the test.Alishka saw from the corner of her eye that this time the guy had dressed up.He had his hair in place and wore a shirt.He sat with Irham Sir,who kept on talking.The guy occasionally replied but otherwise he seemed a quiet person.

The test ended.Fayaz submitted his paper and got up to leave. Before leaving he stuck his head inside the door and said to Alishka, "Isn't he the new guy?Should I say hi?" Alishka nodded and called the guy,tapping on his shoulder."Ayaan,he's calling you,"

How did she know his name?Irham Sir has kept on calling him by the name.

Ayaan turned around and shook his hands with Fayaz,who left soon after.
The girls introduced themselves,
Shreya seemingly being the most haughty one in shaking her hand with him.

Alishka sat beside Ayaan.She being the naturally curious person,asked Ayaan various things.Ayaan answered in simple words.At one point Alishka went off into her own rants on her favorite topic of Bollywood.Ayaan listened to her patiently and smiled to himself.

At one point Sanya poked Alishka and said, "Do you realize he may not be listening to you at all?"a touch of snicker in her voice.

"Oh but I was listening to her,quite well,"Ayaan replied with a smile at Alishka. "Oh...then tell me what is she talking about?"Sanya challenged. "She's talking about Bollywood,"he replied. Shreya was the only one who hadn't yet talked to him.She kept using her phone.

Alishka got up to fix her chair and accidentally placed it on her toes.She gave an anguished yell. "Are you ok?"Ayaan asked,clearly alarmed at this girl's antics. "Be careful,"he added.

Alishka nodded and went inside to get some ice. Ayaan by now had enough of these girls.One was clearly restless and chirpy,the other was kinda unreadable and the other one was just arrogant.

And that is how Shreya,Alishka and Ayaan first met.....

And here's how the first three people meet!!!Tanya will come in the later chapters!
Sanya is a character who is important to the storyline but I didn't put a cast for her.

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