Chapter 1

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**Please read the book description before reading on.**
**Italics is character thoughts.**

Grace's POV

Don't slip, don't slip, just keep going...

I stumble through the park, trying not to fall as I keep checking behind me every so often, making sure I'm still alone. Keep going...

Finally I see the lights of the car park, the thought of there being other people pushing me to carry on. Just a little bit further...

I see a couple walking to their car, they'll help me surely? Just as I catch my breath enough to call for help, I feel a hand clamp tightly around my mouth. No! No please!

"Where do you think you're going slut?" The voice laughs in my ear as I struggle against them, their other arm pinning mine to my sides.

"It'd just be easier if you stopped struggling Grace, you know you belong to me." The voice growls lowly.

The thought of going back, back with him...tears flood from my eyes, the pleas I'm screaming muffled against his hand. If I go back, I'll have to end it...I can't bear another night being with him. I'll have to end my life...

My body stops struggling as I see the car with the couple drive away, they hadn't seen me, nobody saw me, only he did...

Suddenly I hear laughter coming from behind us, this is my last chance...I drag the heel of my boot hard down his shin, his hand dropping as he growls in pain clutching at his leg. "Fucking whore!" He hisses grabbing for me.

I don't give him the chance this time, I use the last of my energy pushing myself to run towards the laughter, screaming for my life to get their attention.

??? POV

"Hey hyung do you hear that? It sounds like someone screaming?" I say wide eyed and panicked at the sudden sound.

"It does a little..."

He's cut off by the girl running through the trees towards us, screaming at the top of her lungs the whole way.

"What the fuck?!" I exclaim scrambling to get up, running to get to her.

"Taehyung come back! We don't know what's going on, it could be dangerous!" Yells Jin from behind me.

Fucking dangerous?! Are you kidding me, there's a girl screaming and running like her life depends on it!

Before I can say anything she throws her arms around me, crying uncontrollably into my chest, her breath erratic and scared. She keeps looking in the direction that she'd run from, eyes wide and panicked.

"Hey, what's your name? What's happened?" I plead, needing some sort of answer.

Jin comes up behind me, panting slightly as he'd rushed over. "Taehyung...what's going...on?"

"I don't know, Jin she's scared, look at her, she's hardly dangerous." I argue. I hold her in my arms, Jin looking at her sadly, he really hates to see people sad.

"Sweetheart, what's your name? We can help you get home..." I try again, but she starts screaming. "No! Not home! Please! Don't make me go back!"

I look at Jin pleadingly, "Hyung..."

"Yes she can come with us, but we're going to need answers eventually." Jin sighs scratching the back of his neck.

"Hey sweetheart, do you want to come to our house? We can't leave you here..."

"Pwease..." she breathes, her body going limp in my arms. I hurriedly scoop her up and start walking quickly towards the car park, Jin walking beside us checking around behind us, still worried about what had caused her to come screaming and running from nowhere.

"Hyung you drive, I'll sit in the back with her."

Jin nods unlocking the car, opening the back door allowing me to slide in, holding her tightly on my lap. "We're going to have some explaining to do ourselves Tae." Jin says looking at us from the mirror up front.

"We can worry about that later."


"Who the hell is that?!" Namjoon says loudly.

"Shh! She's asleep you idiot! Come into the kitchen and we'll explain! Hyung, can you get the others, I don't want to explain this more than once." I ask walking into the kitchen behind Namjoon after I set her down on the sofa.

"Uh guys, there's a girl on our sofa..." Jimin announces confused as he walks into the room.

"Yeah well done Sherlock, thank goodness you're here." I say sarcastically rolling my eyes.

"Woah what's your problem Tae?" Yoongi mumbles, following behind Jimin.

"Guys there's a..." Hobi starts before being cut off.

"Yes we know!" Namjoon and I respond, Hobi holding his hands up in defence.

Jin finally walks in with Jungkook, lots of confused looks being thrown our way.

"Taehyung can explain." Jin suggests.


"So she just came running and screaming from the trees? That sounds like the start of a horror film." Hobi shudders.

"We could hardly leave her guys, you should have heard her scream when we said we'd take her home..." Jin trails off, the terror in her voice piercing through his memory.

"Well what do we do then?" Jimin asks, confused about what the plan is.

"Can't she stay in one of the guest rooms until we figure something out? I don't like the thought of just abandoning her." Jungkook asks begging slightly.

"She can stay if she can give us some answers. We don't know anything about her, or what happened, she might not be safe to have around." Namjoon says firmly, the others nodding their heads in agreement.

"Ok fine, answers first, but let's let her rest a while." Jin reasons.

"Ok, I'll sit with her until she wakes up. She might freak out if she sees a load of strangers looking at her." I suggest.

Grace's POV

No please...not again please...I don't want to!

"No!" I shout, sitting bolt upright on whatever I'm laying on. I close my eyes trying to focus on slowing my breathing. Breathe Grace...

I finally open my eyes, looking around me confused about where I am, before my eyes land on the tall man sat cross legged on the floor opposite me, his eyes soft and concerned.

He's the one from the park...

I look at him blinking, not sure what to say.

"Hey sweetheart..." he finally says.

"Grace, I'm Grace." I look down fiddling with my hands.

"Hey Grace, I'm Taehyung, we ran into each other at the park." He says with a small laugh.

"Thank you for helping me...I..." my voice catches on the lump in my throat as I remember what happened in the park.

"Where do you think you're going slut?"

The memories of his hand over my mouth causing my body to tremble. I instinctively bring my knees up to my chest, holding myself tightly, rocking myself for comfort. Don't slip, keep it together Grace...

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