Chapter 14

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Hobi's POV

If it wasn't for the fact Tae was with her, I don't think I'd have recognised her, she looked a far cry from the sad, scared, beaten and bruised girl who sat in our living room a few days ago. She walked holding hands with him and giggling about something, her face bright and full of life, it was a welcome sight.

"Wow Grace your hair looks great!" Jin says pulling her into a hug, his smile widening when she hugs him back.

"Thanks, it feels bit different but I like it." She explains with a smile pulling back from his hug.

"It really suits you." I agree opening my arms for my own hug, pleased when she comes and wraps her arms around my waist.

"Come on, if she hugs everyone we'll never get anything to eat." Namjoon teases playfully, his hand squeezing her shoulder as he walks past leading the way into the cafe.

Jin pushes two of the smaller tables together so we're able to all sit together. There's slight shuffle to sit next to Grace between Jimin and Jungkook, their faces falling when they notice that Yoongi and Tae had already taken up the seats next to her whilst they were distracted. I look at them both shaking my head and laughing as they pout each other.

Namjoon hands out the menus so we can browse the lunch options, the server bringing over a jug of water and glasses. I notice his eyes lingering on Grace as she talks to Jin about what she had in the bag from the store, oblivious to the attention. Yoongi however was fully aware of the man eyeing up the girl next to him, and I see his jaw clench. Well I wouldn't want to be that guy...

Yoongi's POV

Could this jackass be anymore obvious? He's got balls I'll give him that...

I focus on the server loitering nearby, his eyes have barely left Grace, until he finally notices me staring at him. He swallows and hurries back to the counter, looking back one last time on his way. Dude, really?

"Yoongi, Grace could use your piano couldn't she?" Comes Tae's voice, snapping me out of my death stare.


"Your piano, Grace was saying how she used to play before he made her get rid of it, could she try yours?" Tae explains giving me a confused look.

"Oh sure, that's no problem at all, just let me know when and I'll make the time." I say giving her smile.

"Thank you, I'll probably be rubbish now, it's been so long, but when Tae mentioned how you had one, I got excited." She says blushing. Cute...

"Do you have any interests other than piano?" Jimin asks eagerly.

"Well I really like baking, I can't cook but I can bake all day." She continues.

"Can we bake together sometime?" Jin asks excitedly.

"Yes please, I'd like that. Maybe one day you could show me how to cook something?" She replies brightly.

"Deal!" Jin agrees.

We're interrupted by the gawping jackass coming to take our order, he purposely leaves Grace until last so he has longer to stare. Keep going, see where it ends up...


After we've eaten, some of the others order hot chocolate, as that was one of the main reasons we came here. When the server brings over Grace's, I notice hers has extra everything compared to everyone else's, it was hardly discreet. I look at the guy raising an eyebrow at him, my fists clenching when he smirks back at me and winks before walking away. Does he have a death wish?

I pull out my phone and send a message to the group chat.


Yoongi: Everyone aware of the drooling server?

Namjoon: Yup.

Jimin: I'm surprised he hasn't put down a wet floor sign for the puddle he's left.

Jin: Yoongi control yourself, don't ruin her day.

Read by all 1:54pm

I look at Jin glaring, he returns my look with a serious one. Fine, but if he tries anything...

Grace's POV

As we stand to leave, I feel guilty that I haven't been able to pay for anything today. Maybe I could get a job?

We head to the counter together, Namjoon at the front as he pulls out his card to pay. Once he's finished, we turn to leave and I feel a tap on my shoulder, making me jump. I turn round and see the guy that had served us standing behind me holding out a slip of paper. I look at him confused, hesitantly taking it as he throws me a wink before walking off.

"Grace are you coming?" Tae asks holding the door open for me.

"Yeah, coming..."

I head out to join the others, when Yoongi pipes up "What did he give you?"

"I don't know, he gave me this piece of paper and just winked before walking off, he didn't even say anything..." I mumble confused, holding out the paper for one of them to take.

Yoongi steps forward taking it before unfolding it and reading it out. "You're cute, hit me up. And then he left his number." Yoongi says rolling his eyes.

"Why would he do that?" I ask even more confused now.

"He said why, he thinks you're cute, couldn't you tell he was interested? He wasn't exactly hiding it..." Jungkook says looking at me as confused as I feel.

"Was he? I wasn't paying attention to him..." I frown trying to think of any instances where he'd shown interest.

"Grace you're adorable." Jin says smiling warmly.

"Uh...ok..." I reply.

"Did you want this?" Yoongi asks holding out the paper with the guys number on.

"No, I don't want it thank you." I say looking down.

Before anyone can stop him, Yoongi marches back into the cafe and up to the counter where the guy is serving another customer slamming the paper down. I see the guy jump slightly as Yoongi says something to him that none of us can make out. As quickly as he marched in, he's marched back out with a satisfied smile on his face.

"He won't bother you again Grace." He says happily.

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