Arrival and the front desk lady

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Min Jae's POV

"This is your pilot speaking. Passengers,please wear your seatbelts. We are now landing in Incheon Airport.",the pilot said.


It feels just like yesterday when I had just finished studying at Harvard. And now,I'm finally in Korea. My hometown.

I wonder how the company's doing?

But that's not really what I'm most excited about though.

The most exciting part is...I'm finally gonna be a trainee under my dad's company.

But I will be the latest to join the group,though.

EXO to be exact.

Don't ask me why. It was my dad's decision to put me in the group. The group which consisted of 12 hot boys. Even though I wanted to be in SNSD,or f(x),or just Red Velvet,I decided to drop on giving some complaints. Since at least I get to be in a group.

"We have now landed. Passengers can now get their things and head out.Thank you for picking Yehet Airlines. Have a great day here in Korea!",the pilot said once again.

I grabbed my luggage and headed out the plane towards the main lobby. The area was already packed with many people.

I told my father that I would not be needing someone to fetch me so I just hailed a cab.

"To the SM building please." I told the driver as I got in the cab.

[Few Mins. Later...]

"Were here maam" the driver told me.

I gave him my payment and got my luggages, then I went in the building.

I made my way to the lady at the front desk.

"Excuse me I would like to go to the office of Mr. Kim please." I told her.

"Excuse me maam but do you have an appointment?" she asked me in english, Psssh! she clearly doesnt know who I am.

"No, I dont have an appointment, but I would like to speak to him." I talked back in english. Ha! you thought that I dont know how to speak in english? for your information I just got back from America.

"Well, sorry but that's against the rules maam, plus, this is not a hotel." she said while looking at my luggages.

"Do you want me to call mr. Kim and tell him that you wont make me go to his office?" I threatened her.

"Yeah, sure miss." Uhh!...She doesnt believe me?

We'll see about that.

I grabbed my phone and called MY DAD.


"Dad! this lady wont let me go to your office."

(Min Jae? you're here already? wait I'll be right there.)

"Okay, bye."

----call ended----

"Ha! nice try miss but your not fooling me. Would you please leave now?" The lady said.

This girl is really getting on my nerves!

She's lucky I did'nt kick her ass yet.

"You'll regret saying those things to me, my father will surely fire you." I told her.

"Oh! Im so scared! well then where's your "FATHER" now?" she said sarcastically.


"Hello ladies." someone said.

I looked behind the lady and smiled, the lady turned around and greeted my dad.

"Hello Mr. Kim ." she said smiling.

She has no clue.

"What seems to be the problem here?" dad asked.

"Well sir this girl wont leave." The lady said. what a bitch.

"And why would I leave?" I told her.

"Because sasaengs like you are only here to disturb the privacy of our idols." she replied. that's it!

"How is she a sasaeng?" dad asked her.


"Sir, she's just like all the others, pretending to be totally in control but when they see their idols they go all out." she told my father.


"Well this person whom you say is a 'sasaeng' is my daughter." Boom!

I was trying really hard to contain my laughter, the lady's face was priceless! serves you right!

"I-I'm s-so s-s-sorry!" she told me and bowed.

"Should I fire her my Minjae?" My father asked me.

The lady turned to me with fear in her eyes.

"No father, she deserves a second chance." I told him and smiled.

"Thank you so much!" the lady said.

"Well let's go home? your mom's waiting." father said.

"Of course!" I replied happily.

But just before I left, I turned to the lady and said.

"The name's Kim Min Jae, remember that." Then I gave her a sweet smile
and I headed out the building and fathers guards carried my stuff.

Then, we rode the car and went home...



I just want to say that the owner of SM has the surname KIM. Umm...I know that Kris and Luhan left but please imagine that they didnt and that Mr. kim is not an asshole.



IU as Kim Min Jae

EXO as Themselves

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