Love Languages (Bnha)

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Midoriya got his love of languages from his mother, who believed that every language was beautiful in its own way. She wanted to learn all the languages of the world, but couldn't, so she taught them to her child.
Most of class a had a personal language that they learned, and Midoriya would use that to his advantage

Kaminari: Greek?
He thought it was a language for spell casting, he realized much too late that it was a legitimate language used in a few countries.

Bakugo: Russian
He thought it was cool because it sounded angry

Sero: Spanish
I don't know where this headcannon originated, but lots of people believe Sero would know Spanish
Also: Morosexual

Aoyama: French
Because it's Fabulous, like him

And a bonus Koda x Deku


They all had to go inside and wait because somebody blew up the changing rooms. Midoriya finally pumped himself up enough to ask his crush on a date, but right before he freaked out and ended up saying something totally different
"σε θέλω~" Kaminari turned around, hearing someone say something in Greek. He made a questioning sound to get the person to say it again.
"σε θέλω τόσο πολύ"(I want you so bad)
"What? Are you talking to me?"
"Wait, wait, you know Greek?" Kirishima didn't know Kaminari knew another language, he didn't seem like he would.
"Oh yeah, why?"
"Why would you learn a language like that?"
"I thought it was the language you cast spells in." Kirishima snickered at the thought.
"το ηλεκτρικό μου αγόρι~"( My electric boy~)
Kaminari knew Midoriya was talking to him now, as Midoriya had called him 'Electric Boy' before.
"Θέλω να με σοκάρεις..."(I want you to shock me...)
"τόσο άσχημα~"(So bad) Kaminari blushed even harder at the statement.
"Y-you can't just say stuff like that."
"What did he say?"
"Θέλω να με σοκάρεις τόσο σκληρά~" (I want you to shock me so hard)
"Midoriya..." He knew Midoriya wasn't finished talking, but he didn't know if he wanted to hear the rest.
"ότι και οι δύο είμαστε χαζός~"(That we both go dumb~)
Kaminari had no clue how to respond to that, and said the first thing that came to mind.
"καφέ στις 6."
Midoriya was so embarrassed when he got done that he just walked to the other side of the room. Kaminari was turning into a Bakadere, an idiot in love, or a lovestruck idiot.
"Bro, what'd he say to you?" Kaminari definitely didn't want to tell Kirishima exactly what the green haired male had said, so he improvised.
"He, uh, he asked me on a date."
"Really, dude, you should have said something other than 'okay'."
"Y-yeah, right."


Bakugo was bragging to his friends, talking about how much of a #1 he was.
"I am number one, no one can beat me."
"Yep, that's cool." Bakugo was always spouting about how great he was that it was getting kinda old.
"эй эй!"(Hey, hey!)
"Я не поверю!"(I won't believe it)
"Я не верю в это"(I don't believe it)
"What'd you say, nerd?! Of course I'm the best!"
"тогда докажи, что я неправ."(then prove me wrong) Midoriya seemed to actually be standing up to Bakugo.
"нет, докажи это в постели."(No, prove it in bed) Bakugo blushed at the innuendo.
"Of course, I'm number one there too! I'll show you!"
"Что ж, сначала тебе нужно доказать, что ты номер один в любви." (Well, first you have to prove your number one at love)
"кафе на 6."(cafe at 6) Deku blew a kiss before turning around and walking away.
"Did he just... Ask you out on a date?" Kirishima didn't know Russian, but he did hear something that sounded like 'Cafe... 6'. Bakugo blinked twice at the question.
"I think the nerd just did."


Midoriya wanted to test his theory about Sero's sexuality. He waltzed over, and spoke in Spanish, not wanting the others to hear his questions.
"oye, dijiste que eras morosexual, ¿verdad?"(Hey, you said you were a Morosexual, right?)
"Yeah, why?"
"¿puedo hacerte algunas preguntas??"(can I ask you some questions?)
"Sure?" He was unsure of what kind of questions the greenette would be asking.
"¿Cuáles son las palabras en inglés para tortilla?"(What's the English word for tortilla)
"What? What kind of-"
"Espera, espera, no contestes eso, ¡tengo otra pregunta! ¿Se escribe naranja con ā U?" (Wait, wait, don't answer that, I have another question! Is orange spelled with ā U?)
"No it's not. What are you doing?"
"Gracias. ¡Oye! ¿Puedo usar tu cinta en mi papel?"(Thanks. Hey! Can I use your tape on my paper)
He held up a ripped piece of paper, before setting it on a desk and moving to the next, and last question.
"¡No respondas eso! ¿Qué naranja vino primero, la fruta o el color?"(Don't answer that! Which orange came first, the fruit or the color?)
Sero was in love with the dumbass in front of him.
"Where and what time?"
"Cafe at six?"


  Aoyama tasked Midoriya with helping him put on his undershirt for his hero suit, since he was too fancy to do it himself *he couldn't reach the zipper*

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