Chapter 4 "A Story to Be Told"

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The wind was still howling as the moon shined brightly on Tidmouth Sheds. Even though it was cold, the night was still beautiful as always. Thomas and his friends were staring up at the starry sky.

It was breathtaking to see the stars each night before the engines had to get some rest.

"Aren't the stars breathtaking, Mr. Conductor?" Thomas asked as Mr. Conductor was setting up a bed in the shed.

"Of course they are. The stars are always breathtaking, especially when it's the perfect night." Mr. Conductor said.

Thomas smiled and then remembered the story he asked about yesterday during the storm. "Oh, Mr. Conductor, now can you tell us that story? We really want to hear about it.”

Mr. Conductor smiled. “Of course. Just give me a second and I’ll tell you the story about the Lost Engine.” He took off his cap and placed it on the stone window. He then grabbed a book from his bag and sat down on the bed. “Okay, get cozy, everyone. Cause I’m about to tell you about the Lost Engine.” The engines were excited. They couldn’t help but almost whistle to make Mr. Conductor hurry.

Mr. Conductor cleared his throat and began. “Once upon a time, there was a small tank engine like Thomas. Her name was Lady. Lady was a very special steam engine. But no one knew about her biggest secret of all.”

Gordon interrupted. “Wait. Why is this “Lady” so special anyway? And what secret is she hiding that we don’t know about?” He asked. Even though he was a big strong engine, Gordon felt like that this engine was way more important than him.

Mr. Conductor chuckled and continued. “Lady’s biggest secret was that she was a magical engine. An engine so powerful that she sparkled each time when she puffed down the tracks. And the magic that comes from her is called Gold Dust. Magic dust that could get one conductor from one place to the other. This was the source of all magic between us conductors and engines.”

Thomas’ boiler bubbled with excitement. “What happens next, Mr. Conductor?” He asked with excitement.

Mr. Conductor saddened. “One fateful day, Lady was chased by an evil diesel. This evil engine wanted her magic to take control of the whole island. But, he made Lady go too fast and crashed her off the rails. She was destroyed.”

Thomas and the other engines gasped. This story couldn’t end well. “What happened to her then?” Asked James.

“Her owner took Lady back to his safe haven where she couldn’t be harmed. But, the magic of Lady was gone and she couldn’t talk anymore. But, some say she lives in a faraway place called Muffle Mountain, hidden in a workshop.” Mr. Conductor closed the book and sighed. “That’s the story.”

Thomas looked at Percy. “I can’t believe someone would do such a thing to that engine, Percy.” He looked at Mr. Conductor. “Do you know where Muffle Mountain is, Mr. Conductor? Maybe we can try to find her.”

“I know where she is, but you can’t go there, Thomas. None of you can. Lady is hidden to be kept safe. Even if my sparkle is disappearing.” Mr. Conductor said.

“But why? If you can go there, why can’t we? She’s a steam engine, just like us. If your sparkle is dying then we need her to restore your powers.” Said Emily. “I know you said we can’t go wherever Lady is, but we have to try.”

“Even if you could go, which one of you will? Like I said, she’s hidden in the mountains where I live. There’s no way you can survive that journey, even if you have a load of coal.” Mr. Conductor said, placing the book back in the bag.

Emily thought for a moment, then smiled. “What about Thomas? He could find Lady since he’s the most clever engine.”

Thomas was surprised. "Me? Are you sure? Sure, I'm clever, but not that clever to solve a mystery."

"Sure you can. I've seen you do it before when Percy went missing." Said Emily. "I believe in you, Thomas. I know you can figure out how to solve this terrible crisis."

"Even if I knew where Lady is, where could Muffle Mountain be? It could be anywhere." Thomas said. "Plus, if Lady's faraway from the Island, she could be anywhere in the world."

"Actually, I know where she could be, but you'd need a lot of coal to get there." Mr. Conductor said. He pulled out a map and pointed to a large continent. "That's where Lady is."

"She's in the United States? But, that's so far. I would need a ton of coal trucks to get there." Thomas said. "Plus where would she be in America? I'd have to look all over."

"I can help you get there." Said Mr. Conductor. "But, you'd have to go by boat.

"By boat? But going by boat would take days or weeks!" James snapped. "Besides, I'm the most splendid engine on Sodor, I should get to go."

"I'm sorry, James, but I've made up my mind. Thomas will be going to America to find Lady. You will be staying here with the rest of the engines." Mr. Conductor said.

"What? But, that's not fair! I should get to find this Lady engine. Why should Thomas? He's just a little engine. He's not big like me or Gordon." James said.

Thomas knew James was right. He was just a silly little engine. He wasn't big and grand like Gordon and James.

Mr. Conductor crossed his arms, staring at James. "You know, James. What you're saying has a lesson."

"What kind of lesson, Mr. Conductor?" Asked Emily. She was curious what the lesson was.

"Little engines can do big things. Sure, Thomas is small, but he can do bigger things than you think. So, I'd suggest you stop or you're working in the dirty scrapyard tomorrow." Said Mr. Conductor.

James gasped. He didn't want to work at the scrapyard, especially if it means getting his shiny red paint dirty. "Right. Sorry, sir."

Thomas chuckled. He stared at Percy. "I'm going to miss you while I'm gone, Percy. I wish you could come with me."

"It's okay, Thomas. I'll pull Annie and Clarabel everyday until you come back. But, I'll think about you each night." Said Percy. Thomas blushed as Percy's words encouraged him. You're my very best friend. And I'm sure you will find Lady before Mr. Conductor loses his sparkle completely."

Thomas looked at Mr. Conductor. "So, when do I leave?"

"Tomorrow at noon. I'll make sure the docks know you're going to America." Mr. Conductor said. "Now, you all better get some sleep. We have a busy day tomorrow."

Thomas and the others agreed and the lights to Tidmouth Sheds turned off as the engines fell asleep. But, they didn't know that Diesel 10 was listening the whole time.

"That silly blue tank engine will lead me to the Lost Engine and then I'll be in control of the Island." Diesel said. He slowly rolled away, chuckling. "Now, time for a plan."

Suddenly, Diesel 10 rolled into a siding and went into a ditch. "Oh! Stupid points! Always messing up when I come up with a plan!" He cried as his claw open and closed, making sparks.

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