Chapter 11 "Battle on the Rails"

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"It's Diesel 10!" Cried Thomas cried. The engines gasped as the horn got closer. "Lady. We have to protect Lady!"

"How? He has that giant claw. He could tear us apart, Thomas." Percy said, terrified.

Thomas knew his best friend was correct. If they rush out of the hiding spot, him and his friends would get hurt. "I'll think of something. Right now  we have to go!"

"Hello, Blue Puffball!" Diesel 10 called as he slithered into view. He saw Lady and smiled. "Oh, look who you're with."

Lady gasped. "No, not you again!" She cried. "Thomas, he's the one who destroyed me a long time ago."

Ethan poked his head out of Thomas' cab and looked at Lady. "Well, then we better get going! Burnett, Lily, take Lady and we'll follow you."

Burnett and Lily hopped out of James and rushed onto Lady. Lady was happy to see Burnett again. "Hey, Burnett. I've missed you so much."

"I've missed you, too. But we can do that later. Right now, we better get our pistons pumping!" Burnett started Lady up and reversed onto an old turntable. They turned around and Lady blew her whistle. "Come on, this battle is just beginning!"

Thomas got on the turntable as well and got turned around. He heard Diesel 10 clashing his claw close. "Come on, everyone! We can do this!" He blew his whistle, with his other friends.

"All aboard for a big adventure!" Ethan called as he punched his fist up into the air. "We can't let anything get in our way!"

So with the power of steam, Thomas, Lady and their friends rattled their way out of Hiro's hiding place. They had to protect Lady and the magic that comes from her.

Diesel 10 bursted out of the trees. "Come back here with that engine! She's mine!" He yelled angrily and snapped his claw.

"No! You destroyed Lady the first time when she wasn't protected!" Cried Ethan, as he poked his head out of the coal bunker. "And now that you're after her once again, we won't let it happen! Not on our watch!"

Thomas smiled. His new driver was awesome and now, it was time to play his part. "Hey, Tin Can!"

Diesel 10 growled angrily. "Why you little engine! When I catch you, I'll make sure you're sent to the Scrapyard!"

Thomas was switched onto the main line. "Then just try and catch me, Meathead!" He blew his whistle at his friends.

"Thomas, be careful!" Cried Hiro as they steamed past Diesel 10.

"Don't worry! Just get Lady to Knapford Station! Ethan and I will handle Diesel!" Thomas said. The other engines blew their whistles at Thomas and Ethan.

"Good luck, Thomas!" Cried Percy. But Thomas and Diesel 10 disappeared onto the main line. "Stay safe!"

Thomas and Diesel 10's wheels spun faster and faster. They rushed through tunnels and stations. Thomas was puffing as fast as he could. He couldn't let Diesel catch up to him!

"Keep going, Thomas! You're doing great!" Ethan called. Thomas heaved and ached as he went faster.

"Coming, Puffball!" Laughed Diesel 10. He grinned at Ethan who glared back at him. "HAHAHA! Oh, I have a surprise for you as well!" The front side window of Diesel 10 shattered as a foot kicked through. "Say hello to Kyoya!"

An adult with short long green hair hopped out of Diesel 10 and onto the top of the diesel engine. "Hello, Ethan! Nice to meet you!" Ethan gasped. "I can't wait to rip you to shreds!"

Ethan gulped and thought about what he did before. He took a deep breath and sighed. Ethan opened the cab door and started to climb on top of Thomas.

"Ethan, be careful!" Thomas cried. Ethan didn't answer. He was too focused on Kyoya. And without any hesitation, Ethan jumped from Thomas and onto Diesel 10.

"Awe, how cute! You can jump." Kyoya smirked as werewolf ears and tail appeared on him. "Too bad that I'm going to win!" He lunged at Ethan.

Thomas went faster than ever as Diesel 10 got very close to him. He could hear the yells of two people fighting. "Ethan!"

Diesel 10 cackled. "He's busy so you're all alone!" His claw crunched down onto Thomas' cab roof.

"No! Help!" Cried Thomas. He wasn't fast enough as Diesel's claw continued to crunch down on his cab. "Someone help!" And as the words came out of his mouth, Spencer and Rainbow Sun thundered in on the battle.

"Spencer, Rainbow Sun! How'd you get here?" Thomas asked as the two engines caught up to him.

"We found a set of magic buffers near Shining Time Station and used them to come here." Spencer said. He then saw Diesel 10. "And it looks like we made it just in time as well!"

Now Diesel 10 was really angry. "Aaugh! You silly steamies! I'm gonna send you all to the scrapyard!"

Back on top of Diesel, Ethan and Kyoya were still fighting. Punching, kicking or swiping their sharp claws at each other. Kyoya dodged Ethan's punch and grabbed him by the leg, and threw him down onto Diesel's roof.

Ethan tried to get up, but couldn't. He just couldn't defeat Kyoya. Kyoya grabbed him by the shirt and held him over the moving tracks.

"Ha! See? I told you I'd win!" Kyoya smiled evilly. He moved one finger from Ethan's shirt. "So, any last words?" Suddenly, Ethan laughed. "What's so funny? Don't you see you've lost?!"

Ethan opened his eyes. They were glowing bright blue. "Nope. You and Diesel have lost! The steam team will always be here!" He kicked Kyoya in the stomach and landed back onto the roof. Kyoya growled and lunged at Ethan. "Now, live with it!"

Ethan punched Kyoya right in the face, knocking him off Diesel 10 and into some trees. Ethan sighed and jumped back onto Thomas.

"You okay, Ethan?" Asked Spencer. "I saw what was happening!"

"Yeah. Now, how are we gonna stop Diesel?" Asked Ethan. He couldn't think of anything that could stop the evil diesel.

Thomas gasped. "The mud bridge! You two can't cross it, but I can!" He rushed forward and headed for the mud bridge. "Go get Rocky! And if you see Mr. Conductor, bring him as well."

Spencer and Rainbow Sun agreed and went toward the Sodor Search and Rescue Center. Thomas continued along the line. He had to get to the bridge before Diesel 10 could get him.

Thomas rolled into the siding and saw the bridge. He went onto the bridge as one of the support beams broke away. "Little engines can do big things!" He whistled as he got to the other side.

Diesel 10 came onto the bridge and laughed. "Ha! I got you now!" Suddenly, he heard the loud sound of wood breaking. He gasped and the bridge broke under him  sending him off the rails. He groaned. "Oh, grease and oil."

Thomas and Ethan cheered as their friends came on the other line where they could see Diesel's defeat. The other engines cheered as Spencer and Rainbow Sun brought Rocky.

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