not an update

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hi guys so i havent been updating for awhile and ive been getting these messages like "please update soon" "u just cant leave this story i love this too much" and stuff like that so i just want y'all to know that im still alive but im barely breathing and i just want to explain why i havent been able to update

anyway eehem here it is

im in college and well, my schedule's a little rough and tight and then im also part of our university's chorale/choir and so im juggling between practice and school which results into NO SLEEP TEAM NO SLEEP YEA

BUT IVE ALREADY WRITTEN THE NEXT 2 chapters so i just need to find a day wherein i can update. Maybe Monday or Tuesday ? Ya I can update on Monday or Tuesday. Double update okay? Double update it is because I feel like a bitchy jerk for leaving y'all hanging :-( BUT HEY I CAME BACK. SO YEHEYYYY.

im really sorrrrry for flaking on youuuu. from the bottom of my heart

i hope y'all understand :-(

love you guys so much :-(

Haha curious on how i look like? meh IG: @marchikins

stay fab!


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