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So many things I want to say.
So many words to fill a page.
But I can't bring myself-
To get them out of my mind,
I don't want to cut any further.

Your smile that brings me so much joy-
Has vanished from your face.
My canvas once blank,
Now holds the colors-
Teaching of my pain.

You looked so peaceful lying there-
I never wanted you to wake.
If sleep surrounds you,
You cannot stir,
And I can keep you safe.

You don't see the way I look at you-
With worrying and fear.
Because the way things were,
Will never be,
Until another summer.

I see your eyes mist over,
But can I catch the tears-
Right before they fall?
Or will I sit here useless,
For yet another day-

Not able to help at all.

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