The Mess

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        I continued on with my normal activities that day and just hung out in my room. We ordered Taco Bell and I ate it in my room. I had a t-shirt and a pull-up on and was watching tv. I felt a rumble in my stomach but just ignored it. A few moments later a sharp pain hit my intestines and then I got up to use the bathroom. Hannah was using it currently so I ran downstairs to the basement I almost reached the bathroom when my bowels let go. Warm slimy poop filled the back of my pull-up and started moving to the front for more space. Eventually my diaper exploded with the weight and warm smelly poop fell all over the floor. I ran upstairs half naked crying and told my mom what happened. She told me to get a new pull-up on and I did. Then she went and cleaned up my huge mess. She was not happy with me and asked what exactly happened. I told her the full story and she just sighed and brushed it off.
        I went to bed that night with my goodnight and a bra and fell fast asleep. I woke up in the morning and felt my warm diaper as usual. However it stunk this time. I squished my goodnite and it had a soft warm log inside of it. I freaked out peeing myself is one thing but pooping myself is another. I told my mom and she told me to change and that she was going to the store. Once she came back she had a few packs of underjams they were purple and thick. She said no more goodnite at night and I would wear the underjams. They could hold about 4 wettings and poop if I had any more messes. So I went about my day and when night time came I slipped on my underjam and went to sleep. When I woke up it was soaked with pee and had some nice warm squishy poop inside of it. It held in all my mess. I could get used to these things I thought. I told my mom after changing and she was happy that I didn't make another huge mess. After that I ate and went about my day.

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