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Yoongi felt his heart race, his fingers quivering as he punched the pincode. His body was shaking from anxiousness and the cold night.

The door opened with a chime sound, the moonlight filtered through the heavy curtains. He walked towards the room. His hands stayed on the knob for too long before finally twisting it.

" Hyung ?"
Jimin turned on the side lamp on hearing the noises. Even though it was pitch black he could smell the alpha's oceanic scent from miles away.
He sat up straight once the door opened to reveal an unkempt Yoongi, his hairs twisted together in a tangled mess.

Jimin didn't have time to process his thoughts before Yoongi leaped forward wrapping his arms around him. Jimin seemed to freeze on the spot, this was the first time the older one initiated physical affection towards him and he was really taken aback.

" You're okay."
Yoongi mumbles trying to reassure himself. Jimin seemed visibly confused from all this.

" Why are you here, hyung ?"
Even though Jimin tried his best to form a sentence his words came out a slur because of his sore throat. He starts coughing once the cold air strikes down his throat.

Yoongi pulled back from the hug, quick to serve the glass of water to him. He frowns when Jimin's extra warm hands touch his cold skin. He placed his hand on the younger's forehead only to retort it back quickly at the burning sensation.

" Fuck Jimin, you're burning."
He finally takes a good look at the younger's face. His pale skin painted in red because of the high fever, his drippy eyelids staring back at Yoongi, his chapped lips parted apart as he breathes heavily.

" Let me call the doctor."
He stands up from the bed dipping his hand in his pocket to fish out his phone but is stopped midway by Jimin. He shakes his head vigorously trying to decline.

" I already called the doctor."
It was hard to interrupt because of how hoarse his voice was but Yoongi understands him a bit too well.

" Did you take the medicine ?"
He pushes out the hairs that have been sticking down on his forehead, Jimin nods in response not wanting to bother his sore throat.

" You should have called me Jimin. I was so worried."
He looks down as his tiny hands, wrapping his own big one around him. Softly he caresses the back of his hand, feeling guilty for not being there for him.

" I'm fine, hyung."
Even though he wanted to say more he decided to stick with the short words because of his situation.

Yoongi excused himself to deliver a message to Jungkook about his safe arrival. He returned back to Jimin with a tub full of cold water and a towel.

Jimin looks at him as if trying to say 'you don't have to.’
Yoongi seats himself on the other side of the bed, tucking the other in before placing the wet towel on his forehead. Jimin hisses as the gelid towel touches his scorching skin, but soon relaxes as the cold sensation starts feeling nice.

Yoongi kept wetting the towel over and over again till the fever seemed to come down. He placed the tub aside, finally moving to get some shut eye himself.

" 'm cold."
Jimin whispers in a half asleep state, his eyes still shut close.
" Wait, I'll bring you some heat pads and more blankets."
Jimin grabs his wrists resisting him from moving, he shakes his head in disapproval.

" Need you."
Yoongi wasn't sure if he was sleep talking or not.
" Yes I'm here."
He tries to get out of Jimin's hold but his grip only tightens around his wrist.

" Stay."
He said in a muted tone.
" Please."
He added again feeling restless at the lack of warmth. His body craves the alpha's warm embrace more than ever.

Yoongi seemed to think for a second, he didn't want the younger to feel uncomfortable but if he really wants this then he can't deny it.

" Okay."
With that he lays down on the other side of bed, keeping a safe distance from the younger. But Jimin didn't seem very happy with the gap. He dragged his body closer to the alpha's.

Yoongi gasped when he felt Jimin's hot skin touch his chest, he tried to stay still and let the omega do whatever he wanted. Jimin scooped closer to him not even bearing 1 inch gap between them, his omega purring with content once he found himself in his alpha's arm.

A soft sigh escapes his mouth as he lets the oceanic scent lull him to dreamland. On the other hand Yoongi was wide awake, his eyes almost popping out at their close proximity. His nose flooded with the sweet caramel scent. And no he didn't hate it, in fact his inner wolf was very satisfied now.
With that he fell asleep next to Jimin too.

Yoongi has always been an early person. It became a habit for him to wake up before dawn. He felt like there was something that wouldn't let him complete his sleep but today it was different. His body felt more relaxed than ever, reluctant to wake up.

He swears he could've slept for a few hours more if not for the constant ringing of his phone. He tried to ignore it and sleep but now even the simple ticking of the clock started to annoy him.

He opened his heavy eyelids with great force , his consciousness feeling clean again for a second. A second that is without memory or experience. The consciousness fills him up again once his eyes lay on the person sleeping next to him.

His eyes seemed to be fixed on Jimin's sleeping state, the ringing of the phone forgotten along the way. His hands move involuntarily and presses along his puffed up cheeks. His hairs tickled against Yoongi's chin. He smiled at the fond scene.

He processes their weird position, Jimin's hand curled in a fist in front of his chest, Yoongi's hand resting over his tiny waist. Their legs tangled through the night.

Yoongi takes his time to admire Jimin's features, not knowing when he'll get an opportunity like this again. Jimin must have felt the intent to look upon him made him open his eyes.

If it wasn't for Yoongi's hand on his waist he must have fallen off the bed seeing how shocked he was to see Yoongi's face rest just a few inches away from him.

" Careful, Jimin ah."
Yoongi speaks in his morning voice, making Jimin gulp down his saliva. He pulls him closer back to the original spot , his fingers wrapped protectively over his waistline.

It felt like a scene straight out of some cliche movie both the protagonists staring at each other, hands on each other's body. Interspace, a long forgotten thing between them. The only thing that deprived it from being an A+ movie scenario was the lack of music. But they don't need any music or song when their heartbeats are loud enough to echo throughout the room.

I've passed by many eyes , but I get lost in yours ↻ yoonmin  Where stories live. Discover now