Chapter 2.

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Chapter 2- First day


*Knock Knock*

Opening my eyes upon a white ceiling, I instantly grabbed my phone and check the time. 7:34. I groaned, rolling around and stretching my arms at the same time. I pulled my body up and let my orbs scan my same old room.

White, with a touch of purple. I'm not really a pink girl, and gold is just over exaggerating. Yes I'm rich, I've seen alot of gold related things, even a statue of a jaguar made of gold. I'm not flexing, I'm just tired, my summer wasn't fun and thrilling at all.

It's mainly here in this boring old house.

"Nayeon, you need to get ready. Your Mother and Father are expecting you to go to the company building for a meeting" James.

Allow me to introduce James, the head of our family's guards. A 1st dan in taekwondo and a black belter in judo. He's a good friend of my Father, he's my personal bodyguard/ babysitter. Basically, he's been here since I was one and forever until I die.

Ok that was too dramatic, but it's true. I haven't got out alone by myself. Considering my parents roles in the industry, it's a hard life. My Father owns one of the most grossing companies out there, while my mother is a fashionista/model.

I know some kids dreams to have a fashionista mother and a CEO father, they always look at the good side of it that they didn't even bother knowing the bad side and effects it will do to you as a kid.

I'll skip the sad parts of my life and focus on the now, the present. Just like what Master Oogway said 'Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift. That's why they call it the present'

"Yea I'll get ready" same old routine.


"Aren't you supposed to be happy that it's your first day today" James tried to enlighten my morning.

I poked the food presented in plate. I don't have the appetite. "Have you met a senior happy in the first day of school?"

"Well, you will meet Ms. Yoo and the girls in the next hours, don't you miss them?" He poured me a glass of water.

"I do but I don't miss that jerk" I referred to my ex.

"No one misses him, for the greater good you need to forget him. Also, did you agree to your parents?" he asked.

"About what?"

"About handling the business in Korea after graduating"

"Do I look like I have a choice? Good thing your there with me."

He went silent for a couple of seconds, curious on why it suddenly became silent, I titled my head up."Mr. Im and I had a conversation about my promotion as his bodyguard. I'm afraid I can't go"

"What?!" I slammed my palms to the table. "Why did you agree? You know your the only one I have James. You were there for, I don't know ever since I opened my eyes!"

"Nayeon calm down. You'll have a new bodyguard once you arrive at Korea"

"No. This has gone too far, I've already agreed to take on the business even tho I don't want to-"

"Nayeon, we've made a deal" he reminded. In a second, I calmed down. Why did I accept that stupid deal.


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