Chapter 6 emotional Trauma " Hand in hand With my biggest fears"

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My brother looked at me then He opened his Weibo and said ...about this ....₹₹₹ I opened my eyes wide open ...I burst out in tears and cried so much. my brother held me and asked  what happened ....So my worst nightmare had happened
The thing I was so afraid of!!  had finally happened ...*********

Looking at my brother's Weibo account i could not believe my seems like my ex and my best friend Had gone for interviews were "Shao cheats on boyfriend Lee". like what a hell ???? both idiots had an interview were my ex best friend  claimed she's so sad that Lee and l broke up .it was so devastating how i left Lee without giving him a particular reason the interview she also said iam out of the country and out of contracts but all i should know is she loves me always....what ajock!!!
And for Lee he claimed he was it trying to apologize publically incase i was pissed i should give him achance to see me ....These two fools were trying to make afool out of me. There trying to make me avillain .....These things were now all over Weibo . Im sure my weibo is full with messages from all kinds of Neitzenz.

My brother glanced at me with avery long Sigh acompanied  with the gaze ...then he asked whether i heard anything to say ...well i did have alot to say but being that my Brother is one of the Famous Doctors In and most of Sia...i did not want to Seem like iam rubbishing the Shao family name so i told him not to worry about anything will makw things right .
anyways iam sure my publicist ia already trying to get in touch and my agent to so this will bw solved.
i told my brother not to worry about anything which he agreed well he rarely pocks into my business unless he feels im getting hurt. i love him for caring...So we went downstairs for lunch .Being in my brothers villa  ..well his wife had Cooked obviously with the help of the Workers . Well brother is avery simple man but ofcourse since his arich doctor u know the formalities for rich people's villas..Chauffer and so on .We sat down to eat and my nephews had already been sent to school so it was only me and my sister inlaw Obvuously Gongshao included .
My brother's actually mentioned that The kids had personally told the chauffer they wanted there aunty to pic them up .Zion added an important message Madam young sir said that" He will invite all his classmets to see his beautiful aunty" and claimed it will be good for my publicity to have such an adorable cousin as him .he also said Young master included you should check your phone why he said that . My nephew is just 5 years old but his so clever just like my brother ,his super handsome and had agreat IQ...and IA so i rushed to check my phone ....i burst out laughing immediately i saw his messages his we chat nickname is so Cute "W?Yabai'sHandsomeNephew" My brother smiled and asked what his silly son had done today .so i asked him so u knew about this Weibo acount ...He looked at me and chrugged sure ...i said hei u shud have told me u know one time i was asked during an interview about aneitzen who used that name to defend me from all sorts of bad imagery and all i did was thank him and call him asuper fan. How sad my nephew mut have felt being called afan after all. Welly brother still shrugged Zion is bright iam sure he just did that because he loves his aunt so much . well said ..So zion said in todays mesage" Aunty Shao i will gather all my friends after school and tell them your coming to suprise me because it is my birthday ...Please be smart and dont forget to come carrying agift...acake and i have booked aroom at FangFang uptown in your name We shall drive my friends there .Ps i might have  tipped reporters that " Model Shao Wei Yabai Is in to suprise his super adorable Nephew on his birthday ...And me and zoewy  are smart for the occasion we shall be waiting love you aunty shao ***Be natural.

I informed my brother which he agreed naturally he thought it was good too ..his son his sure clever  Naughty boy  .it was still a bit early had around 2hours to organise my self  and prepare gifts for Zion and zoewy but I already had gifts for them since they left for kindergarten before opening them well will surprise them too
After Dressing up I had to call the chauffer to be prepared Caz I wanted to avoid traffic.

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