Chapter 3

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I made my way through the massive clutter of paperwork and old wig boxes scattered across the floor to take a seat on the black milk carton crate adjacent to Dave's desk. His office was so messy he couldn't afford to add to the clutter in here by putting in a real office chair. "Sorry about the mess." He managed to fight his way through to plop himself down in the rickety party chair he called his throne.

Sighing heavily he ran a hand through his Jet black hair. His beard was peppered with gray. I knew he probably used a box dye to fight the grays forming on his scalp.  Dave was a middle age Muslim in his 40's who managed this hair store for his brother.  He was one of the kindest people I've known.  I've been going to the this hair store since I was a child. Dave treated everyone in here with the upmost respect. Even, the trifling crackheads or high school kids who came in here and tried stealing. Instead of callings the cops or banning them from the store he would give them random jobs like cleaning up the parking lot or picking the trash surrounding the dumpster. 

He was just that type of person. Hopefully his kindness extended to people who told off customers. He gazed at me. " So what happened back there?"  I couldn't help but fiddle with my hands. "I don't k-know...that lady back there was so freaking rude before you walked up.  I couldn't sit there and just take it. Not today." Dave tugged at his beard.  " I Have never seen you act like that to customers and I never want to see it happen again. Our motto at elegant is where quality comes first. That extends to the girls we hire also. I need the best of the best from you when you clock in." Shit. I really hope he doesn't fire me. 

"So with that being said I'm going to give you a verbal warning Tamera. Just don't let this happen again ok...though I have to admit you went off on sis' back there."  I looked up as Dave smirked. I couldn't help but laugh at his way of trying to be hip. I didn't realize my eyes were full with tears till they spilled down my cheek. "Hey what's going on??" Dave hurriedly got up and open the cabinet draw next to the desk. He produced a box of tissues. "I'm so sorry.... its just been a rough few weeks for me." I loudly blew my nose. "Because of your mom?" I stopped mid blow.  

My mother was a touchy subject for me.  You know how I said how Dave would even treat the trifling ass crackheads with the upmost respect, yeah well that kindness extended to my mother at one point. She no longer does drugs. She's been clean for years now. But, even so only seems to me she traded one addiction for another. His name was James. I never knew love could make you do some stupid shit. Like, putting up your own mothers house to get a man out of jail. Or even quitting your new job to stay at home so you can keep a eye and be under a man all day. I  honestly preferred when she did crack. 

"Everything's fine. She's doing well." I cringed internally at the half lie I just told. Physically my mother was well. But, mentally I think she's been gone a long time ago. I never had the type of mother that came to my school events or PTA meetings. Every event was a empty chair filled of where she should have been.  Even as my mom came in and out my life like a revolving door my grandmother was always there. Up until she couldn't be that is. 

" Hmm, why dont you take the rest of the day off and go home? PI'll ask and have jasmine cover your shift for you. She's been asking for the extra hours anyway, go on and get out of here" I stuffed the tissue in my pocket. " You sure? I could finish my last few hours" 

" Nah, get out of here. We got it covered."  Standing up I tiptoed over the cluster once more and reached the door. Placing my hand on the handle I turned around and faced Dave. "Thanks , I'm gonna go home and get some rest...think I had enough for today. "

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