On That Day

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A years passed giselle finally forgot about the pain she endured all of her life she start's a new life.

Giselle bring back the real her she became herself.

The sun shines the blue clear sky shined through giselle's skin.

"What time is it shit i'm getting late"

Giselle rushed in the bathroom to take a bath then giselle leaves her place for work.

"Crap there's no taxi really well i guess i need to walk"

While giselle is walking herself to work a person rushed from the back and bumped to her.

"Crap what the hell"

"Oh i'm sorry i'm on a great rush sorry"

The person who bumped on giselle rush in front of giselle and ran away from the place.

"Why the hell people would always bump in to me like what did i do"

Giselle asked to herself.

Giselle had finally arrived from her workplace but something is unusual everyone is in one place.

Giselle rushed from the one co-worker.

"What is happening"

"Our new boss would be introduced by this time just wait"

"A new boss that means we have a new boss"

Minutes pass a girl enters the room and introduced herself from everyone.

"Hi i'm Ning yizhou ill be in your care now and you can call me ningning for short"

"Wait is that the girl who bump in to me"

Everyone's get back to work.

"Welcome uh i am so glad that you are my boss"

"Me too"

Then both giselle and ning shaked hands.

"So ill be heading to my desk now"

"Oh yes you can ms?"

"Oh Aeri Uchinaga"

"Nice name ms.uchinaga and also you can get back to work now"

After an hour of me working my work hours has finally done and finally i can come home.

I gather my things i check every thing on my bag just to be sure that i didn't left my stuff.

But then someone pushed me and all of my things scattered in the floor.

"The fuck you serious if one of my things is damaged i'm gonna throw it in your face i swear"

I slowly turned my head to the person who pushed me it's ms..ning

"I'm sorry ms.ning i never knew it was you i'm sorry"

"Oh its okay don't be afraid i'm not angry and also i am the one who pushed you so it's my fault"

"Yeah but still i cursed you out what can i do for you i mean i really am sorry from cursing you"

"No it's okay"

"No i insist ill buy you coffee come"

Giselle held ning's hand and rushed to the nearest coffee shop.

"So what do you want uhm...do you want black coffee with apple pie what"

"Just a simple coffee"

"Oh okay just wait here"

Giselle orders coffee for ningning minutes passed giselle approached ningning with bothe coffee's in her hand.

"There you go i hope you'll forgive me by this coffee"

"I already did you just keep insisting"

"Oh really"

"Yes really so uh i should just go uh bye giselle"

Both of the girls waved bye and both of them left the place with full hearts.

Minutes passed giselle finally arrived in her house

"Welcome home self"

When giselle entered the room, she saw her cat walking towards on her.

"I miss you..." she said while hugging her cat.

"Hey aeri,don't hugged her that tight, she can't breath"my mother said.

"Okay okay stop it aeri,Can we just eat now? I'm already starving, and I also want to tell you something too"my mom said to me.

I just nodded at mother as a response and i started to follow her to our dining room.

"Wow, mom,you prepared all of this?" I said with a shocked face

"Yes sweetie i did"she said with a sweet smile.

After that, we started to eat and talked about how I was doing in States.

"Oh yeah mom, you said you have something to tell me so what is your issue??"

"Yeah I almost forgot uh...this is about your childhood friend"

"Which one"i asked

"That winter girl remember"

All of the pain that who begins to fade.

All of the pride i tried to bring back.

Finally slaps me in the reality.

"What do you mean by her mom what happen to her"

i ask with worries because knowing that the girl i love the most would be in a big difficulties would always hurt me inside.

"Yeah about that winter girl she's gonna comeback next 6 months from UK"

"Oh okay"

I finally eat my dinner i helped my mother wash the dishes.

I rush in to my room to reminiscence all of the days when i left winter in that street alone but i can't blame myself because i don't want t get hurt again.

After i reminiscence all of those days my body fell in the bed and just sleep due to tiredness.

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