Lastly GoodBye

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I'm sorry but i don't love you

Ningning said those words in front of giselle with no emotions but all pf giselle's emotion increase by numbers and pain.

What why tell me why.

I just don't love you that's all there is no reason why i don't love you.


No this is not right you just love me because winter tells you but what is winter didn't tell you.

No winter didn't tell me its my choice.

Yeah its your choice but winter is the one who created your choice,what is the point of loving someone if you loved it by choice.

Yeah your right winter is the one who gives me choice but if you think of it wouldn't i be here with you if i choose her over you.

But if you choose her wouldn't you be here its your choice.

So are you gonna run away from me i don't want to see the person i love run out from me.

I'm gonna stay but it doesn't mean ill love you.

If that's your decision ill let you.

All of the hatred memories that who starts to fade away brings back to life.

As giselle walked away through the place where is ningning was there giselle reminisce about the past.

The past where the person she loves the most left her in the road alone.

The past where she left the person who loves her the most in the road.

Is this my karma for not giving and having 2nd chances.

Giselle wiped her tears in her eyes but all of the tears keeps flowing in pain.

Giselle doesn't know what to does she need to forget and moved on again does she need to go back there and pick up the pieces she broke.

But as giselle walks slowly in the road someone horn the crap out of her.

What the fuck really what are you thinking?!

A girl in the black car opened the car windows a tall very good looking girl showed up.

Oh i'm sorry i thought it was a dog or something sorry.

Then the tall girl looked checked giselle out and gave her an attitude...

What the hell you just really scared me and now your asking sorry like what the fuck!

Like come on you are not even paralyzed and your moody as hell like i say sorry what do you want a thousand's of cash

No fine i'm sorry for shouting at you i'm in a bad mood that's all

Okay sorry too i guess i'm in a bad mood too not trying to share my life but my ex choose her stupid ex over me

Well i guess your ex doesn't deserve you

Giselle whispered those words to her self silently and giselle stops herself from laughing but the girl notice it.

What did you say i heard that what do you mean by well what is that

Its nothing i should go its getting dark and also i need t cry myself out

Um you can take a lift if you want since i notice where on the same road so why not and also i think so we need to talk because i mean we had the same problem about those stupid ex so yeah..

Hello for your information ma'am she is not my ex soon maybe

Okay fine SOON so just ride in the car

Shit fine..

Then giselle rushed in the side of the car and the girl in the car unlocked the door and giving giselle a smile

And oh by the way my name is karina!!!

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