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Giselle heard a loud voice from the phone.


But giselle slowly pressed the cancel button and just silent her phone just to be in peace.

Who was that is that a prank eh i don't care i'm not fool hehe

Then giselle just ready herself to sleep but giselle tries to close her eyes for many times but yet she still can't sleep.

So giselle decided to check her phone as she opened her phone giselle's eyes widened.

What the fuck 23 missed calls who called m-

Giselle didn't finish her words as the person who keeps calling her called her again so giselle was a little bit curious about this mysterious caller so she picked the call.


hello who is this?

Its the karina girl remember...

What the hell how did you get my number??

Hello you left your bag and i saw your calling card something so i decided to call you what's up?

Oh sorry about my bag i'm just lost lately

Its okay and also yo i ate the chocolates in your bag so yeah..

What the hell why did you ate it?

I'm hungry girl sorry ill pay you fine

Its okay don't worry

So when our next meet up??

Meet up?

Yeah giselle i'm gonna return your bag from you so when and where

Uhmm base on my schedules maybe tomorrow yeah

Great noted okay ill be going now.

That's all??

Yeah that's all giselle kay ciao


Karina then hanged up giselle just sigh after the call.

Wow that girl was a bitch lol~

Then giselle notice a message from her phone saying "Don't call me bitch, bitch" and giselle jaw dropped down.

Crap is that karina girl here okay ill sleep now.

Giselle sleep herself through the night and the morning comes and a loud sound was ringing its the alarm clock.

Giselle just throw her pillow to shut the alarm down she stood up to find her slippers she went in the kitchen then a person from behind call her.


What the fuc-

Giselle didn't finish her word as she turn her head she notice that the girl pushed her was the girl who bring her home last night and the girl who called her last night.

You again what the hell i though-

Oh good morning honey your friend came by is she new to you

A greet from her mother was heard in the table asking giselle to join them in the table.

Yes she is new mom but karina why the hell you came b-

Stop babbling around look i bring food just join lets discuss this later.

Giselle just gives karina a glare and sit with her in the table.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2023 ⏰

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