The development

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Giselle and Ning Ning finally arrives ij giselle house both of them went out in the car.

"Oh this is our house so um home sweet home...."


Then a girl opened the door from the front.

"Oh honey welcome home oh who is this girl is she your girlfriend?" My mother asks with confusion.

I repeatedly sway my head i keep saying no.

"Mom she is not and also i'm not into that things she is my boss okay"

"okay if you say so um dear what do you want coffee,juice ill cook everything you want" said by mom who looked at ning with a great full face.

"No its okay i won't take a long time here and i'm full so don't worry"

"You sure okay then ill go back to the kitchen kay call me if you need me"

Giselle's mother left the place and went to the kitchen then ning looked at giselle.

"So um should we start our job"

"Oh yeah follow me upstairs the printer is in my room"

Then ning followed giselle to her room.

"Wow your room is big"

"Don't mind it and also if your room is big its so hard to clean"

"Yeah your right but you can do everything on a big room right"

"Yeah you can,here let me help you put the papers in the printer"

"Oh thanks"

Giselle and Ning waited for the papers to be done.



"mom what the hell"

Giselle's mother enters the room with the tray of foods in her both hands.

I'm sorry to interrupt you lovebirds


okay fine but giselle can you please get the juice up here

"Okay" giselle left the room to get the drinks

"You know giselle is a kind person she sacrifices everything for the one she loves i had to tell you something about her" said by giselle's mother with full heart

"Um yeah what is its"

"This is the girl that who loved by giselle so much she cried for her for days,months,years"

"Oh giselle shared that to me maybe...."

"Oh wow but i don't know but i think giselle trust you so much because she doesn't share her problem with winter"

"Winter?? Is that the girl who is talking about"

"Yes its her winter is her childhood friend and giselle develops a feeling for her but she rejected her and giselle moves on already but idk but maybe she will hurt herself again"

"Why what happen"

"Well as you know winter would be back from UK and maybe what if winter and giselle would met again and giselle would be naive again so um ning i had a favor"

"Oh what's that" ningning asked

"Um this is hard but can you please help giselle to move on with winter i its okay if you don't help her but winter is coming next 2 months and i don't want to see my daughter crying being weak"

"I will try my best"

"Thank you very much" then giselle's mother left the room with a smile on the face knowing that her daughter would not be in a pain anymore.

Then giselle enters the room bringing an two glasses of orange juice

"I'm sorry if i'm too long from the kitchen is the papers done"

"Yes its done so um i should go"

"No you should stay i see on news that it will rain so maybe you should just stay"

"You sure"

"I mean we can work together so why not"

So ning decided to stay and worked with giselle,giselle and ning ning worked hard for the whole night they also made a great friendship.....

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