Starting of an end

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shouted by one of our bosses,then everyone went back to their desks.

"Shit winter is our investor what should i d-" giselle cut her words when someone talked behind her.

"Oh giselle Ms.ning is calling you to her office now"

"Yeah ill be there" giselle left her desk and immediately went to ning's office giselle gently knocks the door then ningning gives her the permission to come inside.

"Yeah come in giselle"

As when giselle is about to open the door she sees winter sitting with ning ning.

"Hi um why did you call me"

"Oh i supposed to say that you already know winter right"

"No its not like tha-"

"No i mean you she already introduced herself to you in the hallway right"

"Oh yeah i really did why"

"Then great i want you to propose the deal with winter so can you do that"

"What why me please just not me"

Is there a problem ms.uchinaga asked winter

"Yeah is there a problem with winter"

"Oh okay fine whatever" giselle leave the room with an annoyed face and giselle even slammed the door.

She is still a spoil brat said by winter that who is laughing by giselle's actions

"Oh what do you mean winter"

Oh nothing i mean that i supposed to go to meet giselle on a cafe right

"Yeah in a cafe or a coffee shop"

Great then i should go good bye

After an hour giselle and winter finally meet up on the cafe for business.

"Oh i'm sorry for waiting winter"

"Its okay your always late what do i need to expect"

"Ok so shall we start"


Giselle starts to discuss the proposal by ningning's team but all of the minutes of giselle discussing and talking is winter just looking at giselle's eyes

"Yeah so i guess we are done here so um winter our team will give you a week to make a decision so um maybe i should go"

"No wait stay lets hang more time here you know"

"Oh i'm sorry but i just came here for business purposes only so i have to go and also the past is in the past so stop bringing those things before" giselle looked at winter with a strong eyes and just turn her back without looking.

After an hour giselle finally went home but ning ning surprised her in the door.

"Giselle welcome home"

"Oh wait what are doing here"

"Oh i'm here to celebrate with you"

"Why what is the occasion"

"Because winter accepted the offer"

"Really she di-"

Giselle didn't finish her words when ning ning hugged her tightly that giselle needs to call her mom to help her out of ning ning.

Girls stop both of you look the food is getting cold.

I never knew that ning ning had a kind personality she is kind,she is perfect what should i do giselle said while staring at ning ning while eating.

"Oh by the way i cooked something for giselle"

"Oh don't waste your time for me i'm okay"

"I baked pie"

"Thank you i guess"

Several minutes passed and giselle and ning was done eating both of them help giselle's mother to clean up wash the dishes.

Were finally done so um you can do whatever you want love birds ill be heading upstairs.

"Mom were not love birds"

"Hehehe he so um giselle i should be going now"

"Oh yeah wait i should bring you outside"

"You sure"


Giselle assist ning ning outside to her car.

"Um bye see you tomorrow"

"Yeah good bye"

But ningning did not went to her car but instead she just stared at giselle.

"Uh giselle are you goin-

I'm sorry

ning ning held giselle's hand and kissed giselle in the lips it was unexpected.

"What did you do"

"Crap i'm sorry i can't stop myself please forgive me"

"Its okay i don't know mayb-

Giselle cut her words again when someone saw them and standing behind them

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