Behind Those Tears

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Um winter calm down its not what you think said by giselle that who is shaking while looking at winter.

Um its okay i don't have the rights to be angry or get angry so why would i.

Its not like that winter,ningning try to explain but winter didn't listen.

I said its fine i don't have the rights to be angry i just passed by to tell congrats for the partnership that's all.

Winter stopped her tears from falling but ning ning approached her.

No don't cry its my fault i know that you and giselle has a painful past so don't worry ill distance myself,as ning said those words ning ning decided to get herself out of those place.

Ning wait up giselle tries to catch up with ningning but ning ning was just too fast giselle then turn her head and focus at winter.

I'm sorry to see you cry i never knew you were there

No its okay its just i'm being stab i don't know why but every time i see you with someone i felt the pain

But the pain inside is no longer anymore winter...i have moved on about everything i have moved on about you about the pain all of it

I try to moved myself out of you but i can't stop myself i try but in the end i would always hurt myself i'm sorry

Its okay i know that moving on is hard but sometimes you need to let go of someone you don't even know had feelings for you or love you but i guess its your feelings

Yeah i should try but i'm sorry but you should catch up with ning ning she is a great person for you

No i should not i should just let her cry herself out

No giselle don't let go of her i think she is the one

Yeah i should okay ill be back

Giselle then get her keys drove herself faster as she can to ning ning's house


But no one answered giselle waited outside for hours then giselle felt sleepy from waiting then she slowly closes her eyelids but giselle fell from the ground

Ouch what the fuck.

Giselle what are you doing here??

I came her to say sorry about last time

Its okay i understand you

Its not like that


I want to say something don't be mad

Ill try..

"Okay ill start from the start okay I LOVE YOU!!! Yes i love you with all of my heart,on the day you bump in to me i know its you,on the day you held my hands on the parking lot i know its you but i didn't care at first i was moving on from everything at that time all of the day i was thinking is all about i love you ning ning"

I'm sorry but i don't love you....

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