Restarting of the start

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The sun rises up in the sky again it's a new day again.

"Thank god i am not late again"giselle laughs knowing that somewhat she is gonna bump with someone or something.

Giselle then rush to the kitchen and she actually bump to her mother.

"Really mom"giselle asked with annoyance

"I'm sorry honey i'm in a big rush kay bye the food was in the table enjoy"as giselle's mother rushed out of the house

"What do we have here"the giselle explores the table.

"Really salad like what fine ill just go out and eat"

Giselle rushed in the bathroom to take a bath and left the house while walking she bumped to someone again

"What the hell again why would someone or something would always bump in to me"

"I'm sorry"asked by the person that who got bumped with winter

"No its oka-"

"Giselle its you hi its ms.ning"

"Oh crap i'm sorry for whining the crap out of me so uhmm are you heading to work today??"

"Yes i'm heading you??"

"Yeah i'm heading to but ill get breakfast so see ya"

Then giselle rushes to the nearest shop and bought herself a good old waffles.

After an hour giselle finally arrived from her workplace.

"Good morning everyone sorry am i late"she greets them with full joy

"No your not so please sit and now work.

"Okay sorry"

Then finally an hour of end comes giselle's work hours and done.

"Finally i can sleep again" then giselle stretched herself high from the stiffness from the straight hours of work.

"I should be heading now i want to sleep already"

"Yeah you should go"

While giselle leaves their building someone calls her.


"Who the hell was that" giselle turned her head and saw ningning chasing after her.

"Oh ms.ning its you what can i do for you?" Giselle asked

"Um can you help me with this paper works i'm really sorry but the printer in the office is not working"

"Oh i can help you i had a printer in my house i can just bring the papers there and give it to you by tomorrow"

"I need it urgently so can i come in your house ill be passing them in the morning"

"Oh okay then if you need it urgently you can um ride in my car"

"Thank you very much ms.aeri your such a big help" then ning gives giselle a big hug.

"Oh that was too much sorry"

Then giselle escorted ning into her car giselle drove the car it was awkward at first but giselle decided to break the ice.

"So um what do you want to do to heat this cold atmosphere" giselle asked

"Oh um so can i ask you some personal questions to know you better ms.aeri"

"Oh um sure"

"So um what loves.thought you i know its unusual as a question but i want to know"

Then giselle gives ning the silent treatment but giselle snapped herself back.

"Is that too much to asked aeri?"

"No its not i just remember a special person in my life that who thought me about love and she thought me how to forget and forgive someone i tried to not to think of her but when you love someone even you tried to fade them away in your life the memories will bring back the memories of pain the happy memories all of them will comeback at once" giselle said those words as tears build in her eyes.

Ning ning calm giselle down.

"Its okay aeri moving on is hard forgetting is hard but if you think that forgetting them is for their own sake so don't worry you did the right choice"

After an hour giselle and ning finally arrived and stoped the car in front the house.

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