Only You

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"Good bye i have to go now see you tomorrow"

"See you tomorrow"

Then ning gathered all of her things and approached giselle and hug her

"Thank you for helping" ningning then give a small kiss on giselle cheeks just to thank her

"Oh yeah....."

Then both girls say good bye and giselle went back to her room then giselle looked at the mirror with her hand in her cheek.

Did ning ning give me a kiss nah i shouldn't expect i should just sleep.

Then giselle went to her bed to get some sleep,its morning its already to wake up but giselle still nor did not open her eyes but suddenly her 5th alarm rang and startled her.

"I'm awake i'm awake wait what time is it crap its 8 i should just fled to work"

Giselle did not waste time she went out the bathroom to take a rush bath she just ignore her breakfast and went out giselle keeps running just to sure that she'd make herself to work

"Crap i hope i'm not late i had no-

But then again someone pushed giselle to the floor

"What the hell don't be sorry now i have some work i need to go"

Giselle never looked at the person that who pushed her so she she just rush to her work but someone holds her wrist.

"Giselle wait up"

Giselle turn her head for response but she regretted that she answered that person

"Wi-winter is that you"

"yeah it was me its been a year hi"

Giselle was left in shock knowing that winter is back giselle has moved on giselle forgets about everything but why does everytime she sees winter she would always bring her self up

"Oh yeah...i should go now i'm heading to work okay bye"

Giselle just left winter in the middle in the street and just cross to there building.

Good morning the guard greeted but giselle has no response because giselle was in shock.

Giselle are you okay hey giselle asked by one of giselle's co workers

"I'm okay i'm okay don't worry i'm just tired"

"Are you sure" asked ningning that who is observing giselle

"Yeah don't worry i got this"

"Oh okay so about that we have a new investor that who will be arriving this day "

Oh that's a great news said by the worker that who is standing and drinking the cup of her coffee

"Yeah she is by the way here she comes Ms.Kim welcome"

Hi everyone i'm kim minjeong i hope i can help you well.

Giselle's soul left her body when she heard to those words

"It's winter,winter is in our company is she's gonna work with us"

Giselle said those words inside her mind while trying to hide her self in the desk but ning ning approached giselle and grab her wrist to introduce giselle.

"Uhm this is aeri uchinaga she is one of our best employees"

I looked at winter eyes she smiled

Nice to meet you aeri then winter offered her hand and i accepted her hand with a grateful heart.


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