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Chapter 36

I had decided to skip classes and work on assignments at home instead, getting at least four whole paragraphs on my Legal Aspects project before moving on to easier things. It pissed me off that I had to keep working on that assignment for another two weeks and my procrastination habits were not allowing me to work seriously on it just yet. It was definitely going to bite me in the ass after Halloween.

Noah texted me that he'd come see me after practice, and it would be great if we could have dinner together. I suggested he pick up pizza on the way here, and he was doing just that when he called to check in.

"Just working on assignments," I yawned when he asked me what's up.

"Is it still the legal one?"

I nodded, then realising he couldn't see me, "Yes, it's going to take me to the grave."

"Come on, I'm sure you're not that bad at it. You'll be fine." He told me he was just picking the order up and would be at my place in twenty.

I put my laptop away so I could clean the room slightly. I didn't do a lot, just put away books and dust off the sheets. I checked my reflection in the mirror and decided I didn't look cute enough, somehow needing to look better for Noah today. So I stripped off my shirt and looked through the options my wardrobe presented me. I didn't want to look like I was trying to get his attention, which was totally not the case. Pfft, not at all. Wearing a dress would definitely get his attention, but he would know. Noah always knows. I had to do something subtle. I hated how I was basing his attention on superficial things, but...

When the doorbell rang, I had just finished adjusting my bra under the new tee shirt so I ran out to get the door. Sure enough, Noah looked like a dream with his freshly showered look, wet hair effortlessly slicked back. He smelled of disinfectants and garlic bread strangely.

"Where did you get injured?" I asked, taking the pizza boxes off his hands.

"How do you know? I fell on the field, straight on to some stupic small stones that weren't supposed to be there."

I could see the injury wrapped up right under his knee, making me wince, "Are you okay?"

He nodded, coming behind me in the kitchen as I pulled out the dishes for us. The house remained quiet as River and Nathan had both gone outside for a date and work respectively. Delicately, Noah wrapped his arms around me, hugging me from behind and dug his nose in the crook of my neck, "I'm sorry I left last night."

This brought back my irritation one more time, "Why promise me if you weren't planning on staying?"

"I didn't think you'd sleep for that long. And I was honestly not sure how you'd feel about me staying the night in your bed. So I thought it would be best for me to leave. You weren't my biggest fan exactly last night."

"You could have woken me up," I pouted, wiggling out of his arms to walk towards the room. Noah followed with the pizza.

"I know you'll just say something like, how were you supposed to know or something, but like, you do understand what it feels like for me? You lied to me, and then even after I told you how much your lying hurts me, you lied again."

Noah set the pizzas on the desk, coming closer to me again. I needed the physical contact too, so I wrapped my arms around him as he held me again, picking me up and getting in bed. Laying under Noah, I ran my fingers over his face, like I could memorise the softness on my fingertips. As if the smile on our faces would freeze forever, and the contentment we felt now could somehow last forever. Noah was my calm, my happy place at this point, and I would hate for that to be ruined. So if the need be, I would fight as hard as I could to keep my calm.

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