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I think that I discovered a new addiction.

Hearing the sound of bullets flying.

The sharp sound of gunfire echoed in my ears, sending a shiver down my spine. But instead of fear or panic, I felt a sense of exhilaration, a rush of adrenaline that surged through my veins. For me, there was nothing quite like the feeling of holding a gun in my hand and the power and control that it gave me.

With each pull of the trigger, I felt more alive, more myself. It was as if the gun was an extension of my own body, a natural and effortless extension that allowed me to do what I did best.

That was new.

A sly smile danced on my lips as I reveled in the realization that I had just taken someone's life with my own two hands. It was a power that few could understand, but one that I relied on.

I lowered the gun after another shot.

I wondered how it will be the look of the one who was going to take my bullet, it was exciting to watch blood drip from a body like it was finally free and escaping its prison. It was exciting to watch the lies strip from a person's face before death forces it to take the form of truth.

Under Sin's tutelage, It has been now two weeks and he had already given me the money for the first mission. It was massive not going to lie. Who says no to money?

I had grown stronger and more confident with each passing day. My body had transformed, sculpted, and honed into a lean, powerful machine that could take on anything.

As I stood there, gun in hand and a sense of invincibility coursing through my veins, I knew that I had found my true calling.

It was exciting to see all of the darkness disappear. "You are enjoying using guns" Sin voiced but didn't get any reaction from me.

It's been five days, and Sin noticed how I was taking all his treatments, I never gave up and always challenged him with my eyes and no words spoken. I noticed how my body reacted and muscled up a little bit.

And it was the result of eating healthier, he wasn't sure what I was eating before I came, it was the worst food for sure. Little did he know I spent days eating canned food or not eating at all. "The session is off, see you tomorrow, Olga will send you your dinner to your room"

"Can I eat it outside?" Great now I was requesting, but I got bored from being in the room, I don't even talk to Olga, it's not like I need someone to talk to. Olga was sweet and she always took care of my food, but at the same time, Olga was someone who intrigued me. I didn't know why she was accompanying Sin; I didn't even know where she slept or at least where her room was located.

"Did someone stop you?"


"Then eat outside and do the fuck you want just don't mess up with something in the house" He instructed in his hard voice, making me frown at him. now I'm been scolded like some child.

And the house? I felt like I was staying in an old palace in the farthest village, not even in a house.


"Fuck you"

A cold night.

Frost grew over the windows even as the duvet kept me warm. I watched the snowfalls for a while, allowing my brain to be empty, content to exist and be. The morning would bring the beauty of the ice for sure, that crunch under the boot and the bold greeting cold air brings. Yet between now and watching my breaths rise as new white-puffed clouds time will be a very cold night. The kind that only stops at the doors of a well-made house.

✓ SIN| JAY (book I )Where stories live. Discover now