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Nate Mason POV

"Was that a gunshot I heard?" Simon rushes in when I swiftly fly down the staircase.

I was preoccupied with what I had done. I didn't know what to do. I only wanted to protect my family.

I wanted to shield my daughter from all harm, and when I heard noises from her bedroom, I was alarmed, for Cheryl had been too quiet since she came back to us.

"Call Kimberly, just get her here." Desperately I commanded the sheriff, who was supposed to interrogate Cheryl again.

"What happened?" He worriedly asks.

Terrified of each ticking second of the clock. "I will tell you, just get her right now."

"Alright, Nate." He left through the front door before Cheryl descended downstairs with Helen behind her.

She had blood all over her sweater, her face, and her hands. She looked completely despaired.

"Cheryl." With panic, Helen called after our daughter.

Cheryl began putting on her shoes, and that was when everything sunk in; she was turning her back on us. She was leaving us.

"Where do you think you're going?" My voice wasn't that husky and parental; I wanted it to sound.

"Cheryl?" Helen called again when Cheryl turned the doorknob.

She halted for a while staring outside the street. "You took away something from me that cannot be replaced. He might be ruthless or whatever you've portrayed him as but he was exactly what you two made out of him. You two are evils and I've never regretted anything the way I regretted being your daughter."

If anything had ever stabbed me deeper it should be those words. Cheryl was the daughter whom looked up to me, she was that daughter whom would depend on her father even in the last moment because she had all her trust in me, having hearing that from her it scattered me, she was my daughter, the only reason I wake up feeling blessed every day.

None between Helen or I were able to form any coherent sentence and with that Cheryl disappeared through the door and I couldn't do anything about it because my legs were stuck to the wooden floor, I was ripped apart as every word of hers replayed in my head.

She was right we made Finn who he turned out to be, I made him a murderer, a kidnapper and everything he had to went through was because of me. I let him witness the most tragical event that not even an adult should be tortured that way. He was young and helpless, scared and lonely.

That was when I realized I was nothing more than an evil ruthless man as my daughter saw me, I was a monster and I was no better than who Finn was. I reckon I was worst for he was avenging but I on the other hand did started everything because I wanted to maintain my job twelve years ago.

I stood there weakly staring through the glass door until Kimberly and Simon walked in through it.

I had just lost my daughter, she was the only person I had left, she was my everything.


"Nate." "Nate."

"NATE." Helen loud voice brought me out of my almost unconscious self.

I was barely responding to anything at that moment but I think Helen managed to explain everything to those two people that we call our best friends since high school.

Simon and Kimberly were always there for us no matter hardship. Simon knew about what happen April 20th but Kimberly didn't, she almost passed out as Helen kept explaining while she tried every medical techniques on the probably dead young man I've shot without thinking.

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