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"You really know what you are talking about?" Steph's eyes narrowed as she inspected me like I was some insane human.

"Yes, Steph." I rolled my eyes, growing annoyed at her demeanor.

Her lips parted when she intakes a quiet breath. "Did Peter overdose you?" Her head shakes slowly and suspiciously.

"I don't get it. Why are you acting this way? I thought you care about Finn." It takes everything in me not to yell at her.

This is Steph, the girl who just told me she'd do anything for her best friend, yet she was staring at me like I've grown two heads because I was willing to accept Finn the way he was.

"Look, when I told you to listen to him, I didn't mean to like-you know..." Steph's voice trialed off-expecting me to understand, and I definitely understood what she meant, only I didn't care for her opinion, that's why I irefully stood up from the bed.

"Okay, I'm not asking for your permission. This is something I'm doing whether you're supportive or not." I firmly certified it to her.

She was quiet for a while. Her eyes were still on me, and I could feel it even though I was avoiding her. I was mad at her. "Do you love him?" She asked. Concern was saturated in her tone.

My lips pressed into a straight line before I swallowed. But I answered her because that's sincerely from my heart. "I want to. I just don't know how loving someone that isn't my parents or best friend feels like. I don't know how it feels like loving Finn." My voice was low, and it was filled with disappointment.

Steph stood up and hung her tiny bag across her shoulder before she approached me. "Keep him safe for us. He's not my only guardian angel. A lot look up to him." She patted my shoulder and exhaled. "I have to go back to the restaurant. A customer's celebrating her twentieth birthday. My mom needs my hand."

"I would," I assured her. I was already willing to be by Finn's side, and I was willing to give him what he was missing.

Steph was at the door when it opened before she turned the doorknob herself. Finn showed up in his regular outfits and messy but perfect hair.

He still looked slightly exhausted. He also hath the under-eye bags I've noticed on him for a while now.

Finn's hands immediately sunk into his pockets and his lips pursed while he shared glances between Steph and me.

"I'm out." Steph must felt the awkwardness, for she rolled her eyes and exhaled a playful laugh when she exited the room-leaving me alone with my kidnapper.

"So." I watched Finn take cautious steps toward me while he bit his lips.

"Do you have any idea in mind how to start?" I asked the quite nervous man.

Smiling, he respired. "So there's this place I want to take you to meet my guardians, but my company is hosting a charity event tonight, and I would love for you to come along with me." He suggested, but I could see worries in his eyes.

"You're letting me out of the house?" I asked, surprised at his proposal, and Finn swallowed. "Don't you think I could run? Or tell on you?" I remind him of my place.

His head inclined as his gaze intensified on the carpet he was standing on. "It would be all over then." He responded quietly.

In a mild moment, I observed the person avoiding looking up to me. How could that person I thought was ruthless end up this small and wounded in my eyes? "Your dad trusted people, and then they turned on him," I said, and Finn's eyes shoot up to meet mine. His chocolate brown eyes were filled with panic. I was sure he never thought I'd heard him.

My Ruthless Kidnapper Where stories live. Discover now