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Cheryl POV

"What a pleasant surprise."

My heart pounded against my ribcage, the weight of the gun suddenly feeling unbearable as my hands began to tremble. Sweat slicked my skin, and my lips parted in a desperate attempt to draw more air.

"What should be your punishment this time? Sneaking out of your room? Breaking into mine and pointing a gun at my head?" He sighed deeply, shaking his head. "I really underestimated you, didn't I?" His gaze remained eerily calm, despite the gun aimed squarely at him. "Why do you always make me hurt you?"

I swallowed, my voice betraying me as it cracked at his attitude. "Where were you today?" I tried to sound strong, but the words slipped out like a child's whimper.

He smirked, cocking an eyebrow. "Worried about me now? Missed me much?"

"Finn," I repeated, sniffing, my voice wavering as tears blurred my vision. "Where were you today?"

His eyes lit with amusement. "Ah, so you know my name now. Steph's got a loose tongue, huh?"

"You won't hurt her," I warned, my voice trembling with tears I could no longer suppress.

"Oh, trust me, I wouldn't dare. She's my best friend." He winked and shifted to sit up, while I kept the gun trained on him.

Best friend? My mind reeled.

"Surprised?" His grin grew wider with satisfaction at my shock.

"I won't ask again, where were you today?" My voice wavered, but beneath the fear, I clung to whatever courage I had left.

He raised his hands in mock surrender, that infuriating smirk never leaving his face. "Told you, I've got a list. Two enemies down today."

It felt like the world collapsed on me. Breathing became a chore, each inhale grates against the suffocating pressure on my chest. "Was it...my parents?" My words came out jagged, barely audible.

He smiled, dark and sinister. "They're on the list, Cheryl. Don't act so shocked."

How could he act so nonchalant, so smug, with a gun pointed at him while bragging about killing innocent people?

"If you'll excuse me," he stretched lazily, "I've got some sweet dreams waiting for me." He closed his eyes, and I racked the slide of the pistol, pressing it to his forehead.

"You think you're sleeping tonight?" I forced out, trying to keep steady.

"Oh, absolutely." He laughed softly, sarcasm heavy in his tone. "Should I be worried? Are you going to pull the trigger? Is this my last breath?"

"You feel no regret, no fear?" I asked weakly, staring at the monster before me.

"I told you. I've got nothing to lose." His voice was light, almost bored.

"Then I'll be honored to scatter your skull across this room." My voice hardened, throwing his own words back at him.

He let out a laugh, straightening his lips. "Why are you so stubborn?"

Before I could react, his hand was on mine, his finger curling around the trigger over mine. At that moment, I knew I couldn't do it. My body shook uncontrollably, the weight of the gun suddenly agonizing.

"Do it," he growled, his voice no longer playful but filled with rage and frustration. I trembled uncontrollably, barely able to breathe. I was a coward. "Do it, or I'll make you do it." His shout was deafening, his eyes burning with the same ruthless intensity I'd seen the day he shot his worker behind me.

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