Chapter 15

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To say that the past 2 weeks were easy, would be a complete and utter lie.

"Alright Ms. Marx. You're looking good. Your arm shows no signs of infection, your foot is good to go and your concussion is long gone. You're gonna be sore in the foot for a while and getting around is going to be a lot tougher, as you probably could of guessed over the past weeks. you can go up to the front desk, sign some papers and you're good to go! Have a great day."

No shit it was going to be hard.

I'll give you one example on how it was hard.

"Hunter, you wanker, help me!"

"With what?"

"I can't get this piece of pizza."

See what I mean?

Seeing as everything is great, the doctor told me I could go back to fighting but be careful, as the arm tissue was still weak.

I was nervous to walk in. Taylor was gone, the police had reported her missing and under a warrant for kidnapping of a young adult. I was afraid the guys wouldn't want to fight me.

Like I'd be too easy of a fight.

I was worried for nothing because once I walked in, they all jumped up and screamed "Welcome back!"

I scanned all the faces and smiled at every one of them. They were all here, except Hunter.

Carl came up to be and gave me a pat on the back.

"So our best fighter's back in business, huh?"

I weakly smiled and nodded.

"Today we're just doing an exercise routine. Go ahead back to your spot and we'll start."

I was next to the wall and began listening. The stretches were the easy part, leaving out the left arm.

Now for the hard stuff.

Once we got done with our leg stretches and arms, we did core.

I started my crunches and finished in 5 minutes with an awful amount, 100. Even in a bad day, my best in 5 minutes is 150/200.

I grunted and got a few smirks.

"Get down boys! Push ups! 50 of 'em. Let's go!"

I dropped down on instinct and fell over, forgetting I had no left arm. Stupid, I know.

I tried to get in push up position and lasted about 5 push-ups before falling over.

I sat up and took a deep breath, calming myself before I broke down.

"Hey guys, I'd like to welcome you our new guy. Or should I say girl! Everyone, here's Alex!"

She looked like she could be a cheerleader instead of a fighter. She had bleach-blonde hair and bright blue eyes.

You know, that kind of girl.

"I wanna fight her," she pointed at me with a nasty sneer.

What's up her ass?

"Uhm, that's not such a good id-"

"No. Let's see if she's as good with one arm."

I shrugged and stepped up.

As Carl was counting down, I whispered the same 2 words I do before every fight. It was kind of like my good luck charm.

"Bring it."

I slammed my right fist into her jaw. I kicked her, but that was all I could do before she had the upper hand and I felt myself getting dizzy.

I felt someone pick me up and drag me back.

"L-let me go".

"What the hell is wrong with you guys?!" Hunter all but screamed in my ear.

"You know she wasn't ready. For Christ's sake! She just got her arm cut off!"

"Come on girly, we're going home."

I slightly nodded and trudged behind him.

Once we were in his truck, he began to mutter "You're impossible."

"Sorry for trying to do something I love."

"That's bullshit!" He yelled, slamming his fist on the steering wheel. "You weren't ready! I'm sure you couldn't even do a push up. You just got your cast off today! You could of damaged your foot even more and then you'd of never been able to fight".

"I did 5," I mumbled.

"Beg pardon?"

"I said I did 5 push ups!"

He slightly smiled. "I rest my case."

I sighed and walked up to my apartment.

"I'm coming in," he bluntly stated, waltzing into my house.

"Uhm, what do you think you're doing?"

"I'm going to help you. I'm going retrain you. Get prepared to work harder than you've ever imagined."

Edited 6/10/15

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