Chap. 10 More Time with Daddy!

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Y/n's POV

I was playing with Woof in the living room while mommy stood looking at the corner. "What's your mom looking at?" Auntie Kawaii asked. I looked at her then at mommy, I shook my head. "Aphmau, what are you looking at?" Auntie Katelyn asked. Mommy talked with auntie Kawaii and Katelyn while I got up and went to the kitchen. I opened the fridge and grabbed a cup of applesauce I grabbed a spoon from the drawer. "Y/n, we're going to go get a Christmas tree do you want to come?" Mommy asked. I shook my head and took a bite of applesauce. She nodded and went upstairs. I ate the rest of my applesauce and went to throw my trash away, but I saw mommy getting bottles from under the sink. "Mommy, what are you doing?" I asked, throwing my applesauce cup away. 

"Celeste accidentally peed on the carpet in my room." Mommy said, closing the door under the sink. 

"Do you want to go hang with the guys or Arron?" Mommy asked as we walked to our room.

"Can we go to daddy's house?" I asked. Mommy sighed and nodded. She cleaned the rug while I played with Celeste. "Alright sweetie I'm done cleaning the carpet will you get ready to go to daddy's house?" Mommy asked. I nodded and grabbed my jacket putting it on, Celeste and I ran downstairs and waited for mommy by the door. "Alright you two, let's head to Arron's house." Mommy said opening the door. We ran outside and headed down the street to daddy's house, I knocked on the door when we got there he opened it and saw me and Celeste. "What are you two doing here?" Daddy asked. He looked down the street to see mommy coming towards us, he let us inside Celeste ran upstairs while I headed to his couch. "Hi Arron, I'm sorry to dump those two on you. I forgot to buy a Christmas tree and I'm going with Kawaii~chan and Katelyn to find one." Mommy said.

"It's no problem, I enjoy having them around." Daddy said.

"Oh please watch Celeste carefully." Mommy said.

"Potty training?" Daddy asked. I didn't hear mommy respond, after a few seconds I heard the door close. "How are you doing kiddo?" Daddy asked me. 

"I'm good, what's a christmas tree?" I asked. Daddy pointed to a tree that was covered in lights and weird looking balls. "That's a Christmas tree, we put presents under it and wait to open them on Chirtmas day." Daddy said. I got up and walked over to the tree, I looked at it I poked one of the balls and watched it shake back and forth. "Is something wrong with that ornament?" Daddy asked. I shook my head and found a F/c one, I pulled it off the tree and looked at it. "Do you like that one?" Daddy asked. I nodded putting it back on the tree. "Here let's make that one special." Daddy said pulling it off the tree again. He walked over to the kitchen opening a drawer, I followed him and saw that he had a marker in his hand. "What are you doing daddy?" I asked. He wrote something on the ball and showed me that it was the first letter of my name. "I'm making sure that you'll be included on my tree." Daddy said. He walked back to the tree putting it on the tree with the letter facing out.

"Now what do you want to do?" Daddy asked. I shrugged and kept playing with Woof. "Ok, you shouldn't just be playing with Woof all day. How about we go get your mom a christmas present?" Daddy said. I nodded, I set Woof down on the couch and got ready to go. "Hey, hey slow down have you eaten anything today?" Daddy asked.

"Yes, I ate some applesauce a little bit ago." I said. Daddy sighed and headed to his kitchen, I watched him as he made some eggs he put them on a plate before setting it on the table. "Eat up, I don't want you hungry when we're shopping for your mom." Daddy said. I nodded and grabbed the fork and sat there eating the eggs. While I ate daddy went upstairs after Celeste, once I finished he came down and let Celeste outside. "Daddy what are you doing?" I asked.

"Just a bit of potty training, once she's done we can go." Daddy said. Celeste came running back inside and laid down on the carpet. "It seems like she found a nice place to sleep." Daddy said. I giggled and nodded, we headed to the door but daddy still had to get ready to leave. "Here, wear this so you don't catch a cold." Daddy said putting a hat over my head. I wiggled my ears to get them comfortable but felt what seemed to be holes for my ears. "I found this one with holes in the hat for werewolf ears to go through do you like it?" Daddy asked. I nodded and hugged him, he returned my hug and opened the door letting me walk outside in front of him. "Now where shall we go to get your mom a gift?" Daddy asked.

"The mall?" I asked. He nodded and grabbed my hand, we walked to the mall and looked around for a bit before daddy showed me a store that he said mommy liked. We walked into the store and saw lots of shirts, posters and bags. "Wow, daddy this place is cool." I said looking around. 

"Remember we're here for your mom not you." Daddy said. I nodded and started looking around for something that mommy might like. I found a shirt that had the man that was in mommy's posters."Daddy what about this?" I asked pointing to the shirt. He came over and looked at it, he nodded and pulled it off the rack. "Good job, now let's buy this and get home so we can wrap it." Daddy said. We walked over to the person so daddy could buy it, once he did we left and headed back to his house. "Did you like going to find something for your mom?" Daddy asked. I nodded smiling about getting mommy a gift. "Oh look at the little werewolf with a stinking human." Someone said. I looked up to see people standing in front of us stopping us from walking home, I gripped daddy's hand tighter feeling somewhat safe with him. "We're not looking for any trouble, please just leave us alone." Daddy said.

"Oh the human can talk, but we weren't talking to you. Hey there little cub you should come with us we can show you what it's like to be raised by werewolves." The person who stopped us said. I hid behind daddy scared of the werewolf, I felt daddy's hand tighten on mine saying that I was safe with him. "Please you're scaring her, we're just trying to get home." Daddy said.

"Shut it human. Werewolves shouldn't be raised by humans they don't understand what we have to go through to earn respect." Another werewolf said. 

"Look I do get it, I was the Alpha back in high school I even stopped people from being the Omega by being that at the same time." Daddy said. 

"That's high school, this is the real world human. We're stronger then you and you know it too." A third werewolf said. I started to shake in fear, I didn't want daddy to get hurt by fighting werewolves. "Let's teach him a lesson boys." The first werewolf said.

"Sweetie do me a huge favor and closer your eyes and cover you ears." Daddy said letting go of my hand. I nodded and did as I was told.

Arron's POV

The third werewolf came at me first and tried to punch me, I dodged and quickly punched him in the stomach making him cough and gasp for air. The second one charged at me before I punched him making himfall to the ground next to his friend. I looked at the Alpha and calmly walked over to him. "You scared my daughter, now I get to scare you." I said. The werewolf charged at me before getting hit back by a punch from me, he put his hand over his chest before looking at me. "Who are you?" The werewolf asked.

"I'm a really strong and pissed off dad, just because my daughter is a werewolf doesn't mean that I can't raise her to be a good werewolf." I said starting to intimidate him. He turned to run but I grabbed his jacket and held him in place, once he stopped trying to run and turned back to face me I punched him in the chest again kncoking him to the ground as well. "Now will you ever approach someone again even if their daughter or son is a different race then their parent?" I asked. The werewolf shook his head probably scared out of his mind, I pulled down my bandana looking him dead in the eye. "Now who's the Alpha of your little three person pack?" I asked.

"You are!" He basically yelled. I nodded and punched him once more in the face kncoking him out. I walked over to Y/n and gently took her hand, I felt her flinch before she opened her eyes to see me. "Daddy you're okay!" She cheered hugging me. I nodded and picked her up. "How about we head home now." I said. She nodded and pointed towards my house, I jogged there happy to see the smile that always seemed to be on her face.

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