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As Raiden prepared to leave, he heard footsteps coming from behind him. Turning his head slightly, he spoke "You can come out." With a sigh, Sub-Zero appeared from behind the statue of Goro.

"I guess Gods have a good sense of hearing." He said.

"Among other things." Raiden said. "It has been a while since you reclaimed the amulet. Do you still want to be thanked?"

"I would appreciate it, after all, I was the one, who went into the depths of the Netherrealm. I was the one who got the amulet back." Sub-Zero said, irritated with an angry glint in his eyes.

"You were also the one who gave Quan Chi the amulet in the first place." Raiden politely responded.

Sub-Zero made clear that he was annoyed, but decided to drop the subject. "I didn't come to be thanked. I came to ask you that warning you gave me, the evil in my soul... is there anything more to it?"

"No, there isn't. I warned you and you refused, that's all there is to it."

Sub-Zero paused for a moment and then continued to speak, desperate to change the subject. "What about Scorpion?"

"What about him?" Raiden asked. "This is partly why I warned you, I've witnessed you mercilessly kill your opponents, even those who pleaded for it. You and Scorpion will fight, but I will not interfere. You will be on your own."

"Why won't you?"

"Because I have no involvement with your quarrel." Raiden replied.

Sub-Zero chuckled. "I'm not worried, I've beaten him twice. I have no problem with doing it a third time." He finished, rather cockily.

"I wouldn't underestimate him if I were you Sub-Zero." And without another word Raiden vanished.


While the warriors rested for the second day of the tournament, Shang Tsung sat on his throne room chair inside his palace, sipping a glass of wine, recalling the events of the day. When suddenly an unknown figure entered the room.

"You may show yourself Reptile." He said, before he took another sip. Suddenly a puff of smoke appeared in front of him and what materialized appeared to be a ninja, that look remarkably similar to Scorpion and Sub-Zero, but he was not clad in yellow or blue, his ninja uniform was clad in green.

 Suddenly a puff of smoke appeared in front of him and what materialized appeared to be a ninja, that look remarkably similar to Scorpion and Sub-Zero, but he was not clad in yellow or blue, his ninja uniform was clad in green

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Bowing to one knee, Reptile placed his left arm over his chest and spoke. "Sssssssshang Tssssssung. What are your orders?"

"I want you to keep an eye on three warriors: Liu Kang, Johnny Cage and Sonya Blade. They have aroused my suspicions."

"Yessssssss, Sssssshang Tsssssung. I will do as you ask." And with another puff of smoke, Reptile disappeared. With Reptile's disappearance, Tsung could hear thunderous footsteps approaching the door to the right and out of the doorway, stepped the 4-arm Shokan Prince, Goro.

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