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Blow after blow was reigned down upon Johnny's face, blood scattering seemingly everywhere, Reptile thought he had the fight won and prepared to deliver the finishing blow, but suddenly, Johnny had found his strength again, and he blocked, the next punch, and taking his other fist, he struck Reptile square in the groin. Causing the ninja to reappeared, holding his groin in pain.

"That was a cheap trick." Johnny said, as he got to his feet, wiping his face clean of blood.

"I could say the same thing about that tactic." Reptile hissed.

Johnny grabbed Reptile by the shoulder and punched him across the face, then taking his knee, he planted it in Reptile's chest and taking his leg he struck Reptile in the chin, knocking him to the ground.


Meanwhile at the arena, the time had come for two combatants to start their battle. Only this match remained to be fought, these were both seemingly ninja. One was Scorpion. One was Sub-Zero.

"I have been waiting for this moment for nearly two years!" Scorpion hissed.

"And you can wait as long as you want to." Sub-Zero replied. "It'll make no difference!"

"I'm afraid you're wrong Lin Kuei. My powers have increased since the last time we met."

"It matters little, how much you've increased. As I recall you saying to me on that night two years ago, you will fail!"


Inside Shang Tsung's palace, a lone guardsman makes his way to inform the sorcerer or Goro's defeat.

"Master! Master!" He frantically shouted.

Upon hearing the guard's frantic words, he turned his attention to the guard. "Yes? What is it?" he said, coming down from his chair.

The guard panted until he got his breath. "It is Goro."

Tsung looked up in eagerness. "Excellent. I take it he has crushed that fool Liu Kang?" As he walked forward.

"No, sir. I'm afraid not."

"What?" Tsung said, suddenly. Surely, he had misheard.

"The warrior who faced Goro has emerged victorious and it was a flawless victory at that."

"What?" Tsung whispered. "You could have been mistaken."

"No. I saw it with my own eyes."

Tsung's anger rose, everything that had been set aside for the victory had been undone. This Liu Kang had done the impossible, he defeated Goro and flawlessly for that matter. The emperor would not be happy, Tsung knew he would have to take matters into his own hands, if he was to keep the Outworld streak alive. "Send word to the other guards, kill everyone on the island, but leave me Liu Kang! I must face him myself!"

"Yes master!" The guard said, nervously and hurriedly ran out the doors.


For now, Cage and Reptile stood facing each other in the eyes, panting, the battle had left them exhausted, but they were ready to continue the duel. As Johnny caught his breath, he prepared to continue his assault on the ninja. But before either could attack, a sound of thunderous footsteps neared the doorway. It couldn't be just one man, the sound was too loud, and suddenly no more than half a dozen guards emerged.

"I did not send for reinforcements!" Reptile hissed.

The guards however paid no attention to Reptile's yelling, instead they immediately headed towards Johnny Cage and one took his staff and tried to plunge it into Johnny, thinking quickly, Johnny avoided the staff and upper-cutted the Masked Guard up into the air, he blocked and countered each attack that came at him, until suddenly a flash of lightning struck all 6 guards, rendering them motionless, whether they had been killed or merely knocked unconscious, Johnny did not know. He looked behind him to see Raiden standing with his hand raised towards the sky, he quickly reached out.

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