Destiny Achieved

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Later that night, Johnny turned to the bed-ridden Sonya and whispered. "I'm going to get some water for you hold on." Sonya slowly nodded, not making a word or sound. Johnny tried to smile as he got up and walked away, he discovered a note waiting for him, curiously he picked it up and it said:


I challenge you to a fight to the death, meet me at the Pit tomorrow morning.

The note was left unsigned, but it left a sense a terror and excitement in Johnny Cage, was this Kano? If it was, he would absolutely accept, but what if it was a trick...? Either way, he knew he had to accept it, he couldn't back down from a fight... what would that make him look like?

The warriors slept the night until morning dawned, while Liu and Sonya still slept, Johnny snuck out of his bed and departed for the Pit. Though he wondered to himself if he was doing the right thing, he knew he couldn't back down.

Meanwhile Liu had awaken, he was surprised that he was able to sleep at all with what Raiden said to him, the other night. If such was true, could he really go through with it? I mean sure what he was doing was noble, but he often hoped he would be able to live his own life after the tournament, he would like to get married and have a few kids, but he'd have to give all that up...

He walked over to Sonya's bed, who lay awake with bandages wrapped around her chest and legs. "I'm about ready to take these off." She said.

"I wouldn't do that just yet." Liu said, smiling slightly. "I give you a few more hours and you should be fine."

"Thanks." Sonya said, trying to smile. "Where's Johnny?" she asked, curiously.

"Hmm?" Liu looked around, he didn't see any sign of their friend. Perhaps he had already wandered off to get something for Sonya? "I don't know. He must've left before we got up."

"Damn him..." Sonya mused.

"What?" Liu half laughed. "He'll come back."

"I know." Sonya gave in. "What about you? You're facing Goro today aren't you?"

"Yeah..." Liu said, sadly.

"Well, how you feeling about that."

"A little nervous or maybe excited or maybe both? I don't really know. But either way, I don't feel very good."

"Why's that?"

"Well, I had been dreaming since for this moment ever since I was a child, then when my brother died, I vowed I would win the tournament in his honor, but now that I know what I'm coming to have to live with, the curse of being the Champion."

"My brother died too." Sonya said, sadly. "Well, do you have to go through with it?"

"I'm afraid so. If I don't then Earthrealm will have forfeited the tournament. Goro will have won."

Sonya nodded silently, as Liu stood up. "Well I got to get going."

"All right." Sonya said, nodding. "Good luck."

"Thanks... I'll need it..."


Climbing atop the Pit, Johnny thought to himself. "I must be crazy." But yet, his feet did sway and he eventually found himself on top of a large platform.

"All right. Show yourself! Who the hell are you?"

As Johnny finished these words and puff of smoke emitted before him and there stood a ninja, at first he thought it be Scorpion or Sub-Zero, but then he looked closely, this ninja was wearing green. Without word this ninja attacked and struck Johnny in the chest and then took his other foot and struck him across the face causing Johnny to fly through the air, spinning wildly. Landing on the ground, Johnny got to his feet as Reptile came at him again, Reptile tried to kick Johnny again, but this time the movie star was ready and he struck Reptile across the face after dodging the kick.

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