Chapter 4: Distress

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It had been two days since Rayla left. Two days of almost nonstop travel. Rayla had barely slept at all. She couldn't. Not when every single time she tried to fall asleep she'd have nightmares. Awful nightmares. They had gotten worse since she left, so she decided she wouldn't sleep. She nearly collapsed as she was walking, her fatigue had overcome her and Rayla drifted to sleep.

She was drowning in the nexus, gasping for air, trying to reach upwards. No matter her struggles something pulled her deeper down, some sort of force. Just as Rayla was letting the force overcome her, she saw Callum. He had jumped in after her, and something was trying to get at him. Viren. He dragged Callum out of the water, leaving Rayla to drown. She could see the anger, and distress on Callum's face as he got pulled back. Is that how he's feeling? Because I left him? Is he okay?

Rayla jolted up, gasping desperately for air. She felt like she couldn't breathe. Rayla forced herself to get up and keep going, though her entire body screamed to stay down and rest. "I have to keep going. There's no turning back, no going back. I need to find Viren and put an end to this-" Something had cut her off. There was a blade to her throat. Rayla forced herself to look up, and she saw another moonshadow elf. "Please-" She pleaded weakly. The moonshadow elf kept the blade firmly against her neck. "What are you doing here? You're not supposed to be around here." Was this elf from the silvergrove? Am I still ghosted? She thought to herself. Of course she was still ghosted, just another problem to add to her list.

"Why are you trying to kill me?" Rayla asked, trying desperately to wiggle free from the moonshadows grasp, but she was weak from travel, and she was tired.

The moonshadow elf kicked Rayla in her gut. "Stop squirming!" she yelled out, and upon the impact of the kick, Rayla passed out.

She woke up and felt incredibly sore, even more than before. She tried to move her arms, but she was chained up. A figure appeared from the shadows, a young girl, with her hair fully white. Her green eyes seemed to pierce into Rayla's soul. Her voice was cold, and evil. "Don't worry, no one can find you here, you're well hidden. Dad will be home soon, and he'll be delighted we have a visitor."



Short Chapter, Sorry! 

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