Chapter 29

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Harry, Ron, George, and Hermione all came to visit me before the tournament.  Hermione was extremely concerned about the amounts of Pain-Killer I was taking, and she said she'd warn Dumbledore about the pain I was experiencing.  I brushed her off and told her she was exaggerating, which she wasn't very pleased about.  After a bit of arguing we decided to leave the subject, and I wished Harry goodluck before the three of them left, leaving me alone with George.

"How's Fred?"  I asked him.  I hated that I still cared.

"A terrible mix between angry and sad.  It's not a pretty sight."

"Cedric asked me out, George."

"He did?"

"Yes.  I want you to tell Fred.  Tell him I rejected Cedric- but don't let him know that I asked you to tell him."

"Gotcha.  I'm sure that'll lighten his spirits a bit."

"Can you- can you also ask him to pay me a visit after the Tournament?  I'm sure he'll be a lot more cheerful after such an exciting event."

"Anything for Mrs. Weasley."

He messed up my hair before leaving to go to the field where the Third Task was taking place.  I was pretty pissed that I'd have to miss it, but it was not worth holding in the terrible aches I was facing for a good couple of hours.

As I waited in my bed the pains inside of me became so excruciating that even the smallest cry of agony made them throb even more.  I couldn't handle it, but I was paralyzed.  I couldn't even reach for the medicine without feeling another jolt of pain.  Madame Pomfrey was busy with first aid at the field, and I was left alone to deal with the torturous pangs brewing inside of me.

I couldn't help it anymore, I led out a loud scream when Harry's face flashed across my vision.  He was screaming just as loudly as I was.  What had happened to him in the maze?

And suddenly they were gone.  All at once they left my body and I was back to normal.

What happened?

I sat up, wincing as I awaited for the cramps to return, but they didn't.  For the first time in a month everything felt still, and as much as I wanted to enjoy the feeling, I couldn't.  I knew something was wrong.  Very, very wrong.

I slowly placed a toe on the floor before standing up, and as I wobbled about I realized it had been quite some time since I'd stood up.

I slowly began to step towards the door.  I felt like a drunk, constantly tripping on my toes as I tried my best to escape the Infirmary.

Just as I had finally made it to the doorway, I was pushed aside by a rolling cot, as well as Madame Pomfrey and a few adults.

I laid on the floor and looked over at the panicking group of people.


I saw him, he was screaming, and now he was here.  I looked over at his shaggy brown hair that covered his eyes and was certain that it was the Boy Who Lived laying in front of me.  But when had he gotten so tall?  And who were those two adults?

I slowly brought myself to my feet and walked over to Harry, calling for him, "Harry?  Is that you?  Are you alright?"

Madame Pomfrey looked at me and shook her head.

"He's not alright?"

"My dear, Harry is fine-"

I raised a brow, "That makes no sense, he's obviously not.  He's passed out right there-"

I looked down at the paled face that lay below me and it had dawned on me that it was not Harry Potter who had arrived at the Hospital Wing.

It was Cedric.

I turned to face his parents, who were flooded with tears, and I looked back at Madame Pomfrey.

"What happened to him?"

"He- he's dead."  She choked out.

"No, no."  I laughed, but the situation wasn't funny at all, "He can't be dead.  I just spoke to him.  He's not dead."

His parents sobbed into each other's arms.  It couldn't have been.  How could Cedric Diggory die?

Right then, the realization hit me like a bludger.  I knew it was happening all along.

The pains, it was my intuition telling me- warning me that he was going to die.  It's why I felt like grieving whenever I saw his face.  In my mind he was already a dead man.

I began to scream and cry, and I no longer cared whether or not it made me weak.  He was gone.

I could have saved him.  If I had only been smarter and realized his fate sooner.  He was dead and it was all of my fault.

Madame Pomfrey looked at me with complete sorrow in her eyes and soft pout on her lips, "I think it would be best if you stepped outside."

I gulped, "Yeah.  I'll do that."

I dragged my feet out of the Hospital Wing and let the tears stream down my face.  It turns out the pain had never left me.  It had only moved from my gut to my heart.

I was shattered.

I didn't know where to walk, I just let my feet take me wherever they wanted to.  I didn't really care if it meant I could get caught and go to detention.  All of those matters seemed frivolous now.

I just continued to walk until my feet had landed me in the arms of Fred Weasley.

He squeezed me tightly and I felt a teardrop of his fall onto my hair.

"I didn't know you could walk anymore," He said softly, "I just assumed they'd chopped off your legs by now, seeing as you never got out of bed."

I laughed, because Fred Weasley was truly the only person who could put a smile on my face even when I was at my worst.

"Are you feeling better?"

"Yes and no.  I was until I wasn't, until I saw Ced-"

I felt myself letting out another quiet sob, "I'm sorry."

"Don't be.  You have nothing to apologize for."

"It's my fault, Fred.  I could've warned him. My intuition-"

"Seers can't change the future.  You have to remember that.  As unfortunate as it was, his fate was sealed even before he was born.  I should be sorry.  The last thing he remembered me as was a jerk."

"Life is precious like that, isn't it.  It can be taken so quickly, even from those who we least expect."

"Yeah, I guess you're right."

"And that's why I'm telling you this now, Fred Weasley.  I love you.  And I want you to know that because I'll never know if it's the last time I'll get to say that to you."

"I love you too, Mars."

We didn't kiss.  Because it wasn't a kissing kind of moment.  We just stood in embrace for as long as we possibly could, enjoying each other's touch.  Love was so much more than kissing and whatnot, it was moments like these where the world could be crumbling apart and the only thing that mattered to us was each other.

That's what love was.

And I could never see myself not loving Fred Weasley.


End of Part One

A/N: Sorry if this chapter was kind of bad, I really hate writing sappy stuff like this HAHA!  I'm really excited for part 2, I have a lot of surprises in mind as well as a new character who I think you all will adore!  Thanks for reading!

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