Made-up girlfriend

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Melanie's POV:

I've putted my phone back in my pocket after my call with Thomas. I'm really glad that I can help him. After all he did for me, it's my time to do something for him. I turned around and faced Annie standing there with frown eyebrows.
" What was that about?" My sister asked.
" That was Thomas. He's in some kind of trouble and I'm helping him out." I explained her.
" How?" She asked confused.
" Well.. I guess you've heard or read about the rumors that are spreading from Thomas?" I asked. She nodded. " Well.. His producer came up with the idea to let the people know that Thomas has a girlfriend. If the people know he's dating someone, they will know he's loyal to one girl and that he isn't a womanizer like they write in the magazines." I told her.
She frowned her eyebrows again. " And if I'm understanding things correctly.. You are his fake girlfriend?" She asked.
I comfirmed that what she assumed is true. I'm going to be Thomas' fake girlfriend. Actually cool, for once I'm going to come in the spotlight. I would really like that and I would help my best friend at the same time. It couldn't be better.

" And how are they going to show the people that you are his 'girlfriend'? You live here and he's in New York for Premiers."
" Well.. I'm going to New York in 2 weeks for his next premier he needs to attend. Don't worry I'll talk mom and dad into it. I'll explain everything to them." I know that wasn't going to be easy. I was considered as someone who could talk people into something, so let hope that will go well with my parents too. After all it's a holiday then and it's not that I have any homework in that week, so.

- 2 weeks later -

Thomas' POV:

I'm waiting at the airport for Melanie to arrive. I have to let the people know that I'm loyal. She's my made-up girlfriend. When I saw her reach over me with a huge grin on her face, I walked towards her. She started running and jumped in my arms. Her arms swung tightly around my neck. I grabbed her around her waist. I felt a bit warm inside from her embrace. Now that she's my made-up girlfriend, maybe I'll find the guts now to tell her how I really feel about her.

We make our way outside where the car is waiting for us. Tonight we are going to a premier and she still needs a nice dress to wear. It's not really for Melanie to be dressed up, since normally she only wears button-up shirts, a skinny jeans and some sneakers.
" I can't wait for the spotlights! It's going to be so awesome!" She sounded really excited. I smiled at her enthousiasm. That's the Melanie I've already known practically my whole life. Always enthousiastic about something new.

- that night -

I was waiting in the hall of the hotel. I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around. Melanie stood there. She looked gorgeous. She wore a red glitter dress with a pair of black high heels, her hair had bouncy curls and she wore some make-up; not to much. I always thought that Melanie looked beautiful, but now she's stunning.
" Looking fabulous, Mel." I stated with a grin. A blush spread on her cheeks.
" Thanks, you look handsome too."
I putted my hand for her to grab it. She looked confused at my hand and then at me.
" You are my made-up girlfriend now. It needs to look that way, Mel."
" Yeah right.. " She said shortly and grabbed my hand. I squeezed it a little to reassure her that everything will be okay.

Melanie's POV:

Once we arrived at the premier, I saw flash lights outside my window. I gulped. The stress came over me. " It will be fine, Mel. I'm going to be by your side the entire night. I promise." Thomas reassured me. I smiled slightly at him.
A chauffeur opened our door and we stepped outside. Thomas grabbed my hand and I squeezed it lightly. People were taken pictures and reporters were there too.
" Is that your new girlfriend, Thomas?" I heard a reporter yell.
Thomas nodded and answered. " Yes she is. She is already for 3 months." He said. His producer and him must of agreed of things he could say. Apparently I'm already 'dating' Thomas for 3 months.
I heard a lot of screamings from fans too. Even thought Thomas didn't play in this movie, there were still fans of him in the crowd.
" Can you kiss for the picture?" A photographer asked. ' Ooh god, no! I should've known people were going to ask that!' I looked shocked at Thomas. He knew that I didn't feel comfortable by doing that; but if I didn't do it, I would completely embarass Thomas and myself. He looked in my eyes; asking for my premission. I nodded. He leaned in, so did I. I laid my arms around his neck as he laid his arms around my waist. A few seconds later our lips touched. He pulled me a little closer, so our kiss looked more intense. I felt a tinkling feeling inside. I had kissed Thomas when we were 13 and that was my first kiss. I felt the same feeling like I had felt then. A feeling I never felt when I kissed Dan. I had a warm feeling. So weird. After a little kiss-session for the camera, we pulled away. He grinned slightly at me, a blush spread on his cheeks. I grinned a little nervous.

After the kiss he grabbed my hand again and we made our way inside for the premier to start. It felt good to stand in the spotlight, now I'm going to be known as Thomas Brodie-Sangster's girlfriend. Actually sounds to be proud of, even though I'm not in love with him. Most girls are probably extremely jealous of me right now.

Thomas' POV:

As we made our way inside the theater, I couldn't put that grin of my face. I just kissed her again. I had a sparkling feeling inside: the same feeling I had when we first kissed when we were 13 at that birthday party. If only she would feel the same, but I know she doesn't. She sees me as her best friend, nothing more. I think I should start showing her how I feel. Maybe then it will be easier to tell her and maybe then she will start to think different and start seeing me as something more than just a friend. Off course she needs to notice it too when I make gestures to her. When it comes to romance and love, then Melanie isn't that smart. I can't be subtle, she will never understand such gestures. I need to make sure that the gestures I make, will be gestures that she actually notices. I need to do them when we are alone. In a crowd, she will know it is just for the audiance.

We took our seats in the front, the seats that were assigned to us. It went silence for a minute between the two of us. Nobody was around us yet. It was still early anyway. I looked at her. She remained looking in front of her. I kissed her cheek, wich made her jump a little.
" It's just me, love." I said silent. She grinned.
" Since when do you call me that?" She asked confused.
" Ooh... No reason. I guess it just fits you." I winked. In my opinion I already made two gestures that could show her how I feel: the kiss on the cheek and the little flirting. But she doesn't react on it, wich probably means she didn't notice it. I sighed very silent so she wouldn't hear. I guess it's going to be really hard to make her notice how I feel around her. I thought it would be easier since we are best friends. She notices when I'm not telling the complete thruth or when I'm nervous, but she doesn't notice when I'm actually making a move on her trying to show her my feelings. I wish it was the exact opposite.

Melanie, I really like you; but sometimes you can really torture me.
I really hope some day she will be smart enough to notice how I feel.

I hope that she will be my real girlfriend someday.

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