Introducing to the world.

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- 2 days later -

Melanie's POV:

Today was the day. So Thomas needs to go back to America for his role in his new movie. For the first time I'm going with him.
" You ready?" He asked a little worried.
We had been on the airplane for an hour and I hadn't said anything yet.
I snapped out of my daydream and looked him in the eyes. I gave him a reassuring smile.
" I'm fine. Just a little nervous." I admitted.
A smile appeared on his face again. " Good." He took my hand that was laying on the railing of the chair. He squeeezed it slightly before he letted go. He looked back in front of him again.
He looked so tense. His eyes showed fear.
Somehow I think I know why he is like this. He's going to tell the world that he's dating me. I'm going to become famous. I'll be entering the big world, the world Thomas wanted me to protect me from. Also a world that already know me. Right now I'm known to Thomas Sangster's ex-girlfriend. 2 years ago I had to play Thomas fake girlfriend just to make the people forget about the rumors. We had a fake break-up about a year ago. He's not going to tell the people that we fake dated. He's gonna tell the world that we reunite again.
I had been looking at him for a short while. He noticed my gaze on him and turned to me and frowned his eyebrows.
I took his hand this time.
" It will be okay, Thomas. The people will believe you. I know you love me and I love you. The people will see that." I gave him a reassuring smile. He seemed fine again. The fear somehow dissapeared a little and I felt better.

Hours later we arrived in America. I'm startled about the high buildings and everything. I've never been to America before. Okay.. I lie. I have been here for once. That was two years ago and I was too nervous about everything then that I never noticed what was around me.
Thomas noticed my look and laughed.
" You'll get use to it when you get here often, love." He said and grabbed my hand. He leaded me to the taxi, wich drove us to a hotel.

When we got to the car I noticed camera's and paparazzi taking pictures and I really didn't care. Thomas didn't want me in this world or tried to get me out of it for as long as he could. But after dating about a month, I think it's time to stop hiding and show the outside world. This time it will be easier. I won't need to play my love for him, because I really love him. There's no question about that.
" Thanks.. We'll take it from here." Thomas said to the bellhop.
He closed the door behind him.
I spun around and laid down on the bed. We were in a suite. I really need to get use to this luxury.
Thomas looked at me while leaning against the wall. He had a grin on his face.
" What?" I asked him amused.
He shook his head with the grin still on his face. " It's funny to see you enjoy all this."
" Well yeah.. You are already used to all this luxury, you have been in this for years. I haven't. It's just amazing!" A gigantic smile was plastered to my face.
I stood up from the bed and walked towards him. A feet away from him I stood still. He looked down in my brown eyes.
He pulled a strand of hair after my ears. " You're beautiful, you know that?"
"You've told me many times.."
He laughed slighly. " That's because it's the thruth.. I love you, Mel."
" I love you too, Tommy.."
He kissed me. I laid my arms around his neck and pulled him closer. When I did that, he laid his arms around my waist.
As we were kissing, he leaded me to the bed. I walked backwords.
I fell down on the bed with him on top of me.
We broke the kiss as we fell. We laughed at each other.
It felt good to be in his arms.

Thomas' POV:

Being with her made me feel great. All my former girlfriends, wich were about 2, weren't this nice and sweet. I think it was a good thing that we were friends first for a long time. We know almost everything about each other.
After a little made-out session on the bed, we decided to go to bed. It was already past 10 o'clock pm and we were tired from the flight here.
We changed in our pj's and went to bed.
This is the first time we are going to share a bed.
I was laying on my back, staring at the ceiling. She came closer to me and laid her head on my chest. I wrapped my arm around her waist and kissed her forehead.
" Goodnight."
" Goodnight, Tommy.." She closed her eyes and fell asleep instantly.
I smiled down at her. I was lucky to have her. She doesn't know, but she's really special to me. Her entering this world of fame again and for real now made me realise that I will need to protect her more. Paparazzi will be around every corner to lurk. In the beginning I'm not going to leave her side, untill she's really used to it. I know she'll tell me enough that she doesn't need protection. She can be pretty stubborn sometimes . I'll watch her and keep and eye on her. I guess that's what you need to do when you have a girl you can't live without.
I stopped all the thinking and drifted in a deep sleep as I lay my cheek on her head.

- the next morning -

Thomas' POV:

I woke up around 8 o'clock am. Melanie was still fast asleep in the same possition she fell asleep, with her head on my chest.
I kissed her forehead and got up very slowly; trying not to wake her up. I took a shower. For breakfast I was going to wait. I wanted to do that together with her. After my shower, I went downstairs to the reception of the hotel. I bought a newspaper. The guy at the reception smirked slightly at me. A confused look must have been seen on my face. I entered the elevator again and pushed the button to the 4th floor.
As I entered the room, I heard the shower. Melanie is also up early. It's just past 8.45 o'clock am.
I sat down on the couch and opened the newspaper. As soon as I opened the newspaper I saw my picture. It's a picture from yesterday when we arrived. It's from when Melanie and I left the taxi to our hotel, a picture where we hold hands and walk very close to each other.

'Thomas Brodie-Sangster (19) and ex-girlfriend back together?'

A smirk played on my lips. I've only been here for a day and yet I already am back in the newspapers.
Melanie came out of the bathroom, all fresh again. She noticed me smirking.
" What so funny there?" She asked.
" Goodmorning, love.." I said.
She smiled. " Goodmorning." She pecked me on the lips.
" Now what's so funny, Sangster?"
I gave her the newspaper on the page of our picture. " Welcome to the famous world."

Melanie's POV:

I entered the room when Thomas was smirking at something in the newspaper, I assumed. I wonder what's so funny in that newspaper.
" What's so funny there?" I asked him curious.
" Goodmorning, love.." He said first.
I smiled at him. " Goodmorning." I gave him a peck on the lips.
" Now what's so funny, Sangster?" I asked him in an amused tone.
He gave the newspaper to me on a specific page. " Welcome to the famous world."

I noticed the article and the picture of Thomas and I and that when I realized: it's real now. I'm known again in this big world and this time I'm meant to never leave this world. I'm excited, but I have to admit that I'm a little scared too. I know I don't have to worry. As long as I have Thomas beside me, I feel save. Wich means I will always feel save. He'll always be there.

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