Finding prove.

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Melanie's POV

I am and will find prove. So I go back to that club I went to saturday.
It's very quiet there, differently than when I came here with Lizzy saturday.
I look around the place, but know that it won't help by just standing here and looking around.
There are a few seats free and go sit on them. Just as my luck, I recognize a person a few seats away from me.
It's that guy who kissed me. What was his name again? I think it was Adam.
I grin and make my way over and tap his shoulder.
" Adam, remember me?" I look at him a bit evil. He will get back for this.
He widens his eyes. " Uhhh... No..."
" Oooh I think you do. You were the one who kissed me while I told you I had a boyfriend. And thanks to you..." I poke him.
" .... I'm single now. He broke up with me since he saw the whole thing! Now, you tell me! What the heck is going on?" I yell at him.
A few customers look up at us.
He shushes me and grips my wrist to get a bit further away and sit at a table.
" Allright! I'll tell you! Just stop yelling!" He snaps at me.
I narrow my eyes and go sit down opposite of him.
" I do know who you are. You are Melanie Adams and someone told me to do that. She told me to do it in front of him. She promised me money for it if I did it." He explains.
I look a little confused.
" Who is 'she'?" I ask.
He sighs. " Melissa Parker, my cousin."
I stay quiet. Off course! Why didn't I think of that bitch earlier? His ex-girlfriend! She said she would get back to me at some point when she knew Thomas and I started dating about 8 months."
"Thanks.. I have enough information." I stand up and am about to walk out.
Then he turns to me on his seat. " Don't tell her, please!"
" You should've thought about that earlier, Adam. Now I have something to handle." I say and walk out of the club.

I walk back to school. Once I enter school, a lot of people glare at me. Yeah, quit it now!
I just ignore their glance and make my way to Parker's dorm. I know her dorm, since in the beginning Thomas and her dated I went with them to her dorm.

I wonder what her story will be to all this.

Thomas' POV

I'm still shattered to pieces. Melanie. The girl I've know practically my whole life.
Our 15 year friendship, our 8 months relationship, ... Didn't she care at all?
I can't believe it! Why would she do that? I didn't know she was such a bitch!
I thought I knew her better, but apparently she could act really well.

I am sitting in my dorm, along with Jake and Lizzy.
They have been dating for over a year. I'm kinda jealous, you know. Off what they have.
I used to be happy with Melanie.
They are snuggling and making out on his bed. I roll my eyes and throw a pillow. " Get a room!" I yell.
Jake gets the pillow of them and look a little annoyed at me. " I know you're heartbroken, mate. But that doesn't mean we can't do anything, you know. Why don't you go outside? Get some fresh air. It will do you good." He says to me.
I shrugg my shoulders and get out the bed. " Yeah maybe you're right.." I putt some shoes on and a warm jacket and get outside.
Yeah, maybe this will do me a little good after all.

Melanie's POV

I reach her dorm and bonk very hard on the door.
" WHAT?" She opens the door.
She glares when she notices it's me. " Oooh the cheating bitch! Why do you have to ruin my day?!" She lets her door open and walks back in. Woow she's actually letting me in.
She turns around and faces me. " You don't have to put the blame on me just because you're a horrible bitch who broke his heart."
She stays calm, while I'm almost hyperventilating here.
" Don't act like that! I know what you asked your cousin. Adam Parker! Yeah, I've met him at the club today and he told me the whole thing you had asked him to do. Why don't you just admit it?!" I snap back at her.
She glares at litte and then starts talking. " Fine, yeah! I did! But what's the point on it now anyway? Thomas thinks you're a cheating bitch and the whole school thinks you are."
I narrow my eyes. " Maybe, yeah.. But at least I know the thruth now and I'll move on. Goodbye, bitch!" I snap at her and walk out of her dorm. She grins at me once last time before turning around.
I slam the dorm room shut and grin. I get my phone out of my pocket and stop the voice recording. Luckily, I thought of recording this and luckily, she didn't figure out I was recording our whole conversation.

So now I have actual prove.
I can prove to Thomas that I never betrayed him.

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