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- at the age of 13 -

Melanie's POV:

We are at a birthday party from a girl from school. Thomas and I went together. Right now we are sitting in a circle of 4 girl and 4 boys. We are playing 'Thruth or Dare'. I really don't care what they ask me to do or anything. If they don't ask me to kiss anyone, then I'm happy. I didn't have my first kiss yet so...

" Okay.. Melanie, Thruth or Dare?" Jackson asked. He isn't a friend, I just know him from my class. " Dare.." I said. I hope it's not to nasty. Knowing Jackson a little, he can be gross.
He though for a few seconds untill a mischievious grin appeared on his face. ' Oh no, that can'be good! I should of went for Thruth!' He looked at me for a few seconds for giving me my task.

" You need to kiss..." He looked at Thomas and then back at me. He's not letting me kiss my best friend, is he?! I can't do that! "... Thomas." He said. I sighed. I looked over at Thomas and he looked already as shocked as I felt.

" Cheek or lips?" I asked. Wich I already should know the answer of. " On the lips, off course!" Another girl named Tiffany called. I just glared at her.
" You don't need to worry. You can go in the closet to do it." Everyone grinned. I sighed again. I grabbed Thomas' hand and pulled him in the closet where they assigned us to. I closed the door and pulled the light switch on. I looked up at him, since he's like a head taller than me.

" You really wanna do this?" He asked me after a minute of silence. " I have to. Or else they're gonna make fun of me." I sighed while looking down at the ground. He lifted my chin and I looked back in his dark brown eyes.
" Then you'l have to do it." He said, still looking nervous.

Thomas and I shared everything together. I knew everything about him, but there must be parts that I didn't know about him.

I nodded at him. " Yeah.. Just do it." He smiled weakly before leaning in. I felt my heart race as fast as it could. I felt my heart in my throat. Okay, I have to admit. I always wanted to be my first kiss to be with someone I really like, but I didn't hope it would be Thomas. I mean, he's my best friend. Yeah, he's someone I really like, but I don't like him like that. We're close, but he's my best friend. That's it. Suddenly I felt his lips on mine. His hands were around my waist. I didn't know what to do with my arms at first, but I just laid my hands on his shoulders. The kiss lasted for 10 seconds untill we needed to pull away to get some air. I had to admit, it felt good. But it felt wrong, him being my best friend and I don't have any feelings for him.

Thomas' POV:

When Jackson told the dare, I felt a little shocked. Since the age of 8 I promised myself that my first kiss would be with her, with Mel. I really don't know why, but I want to keep my own promise. And tonight it was going to be. I wouldn't have break my promise. Melanie sighed and grabbed my hand to pull me to the nearest closet. Once we were there, she closed the door and switched the light on. I saw how nervous she was. She avoided my eyes.

The moment I kissed her felt like heaven. I swear I was glad I made that promise to myself. It felt great. From that moment on everything would change.

I was developing a crush on my best friend.

- at the age of 15 -

Melanie's POV:

I felt alone again. My best friend was away again. He needed to premiers from his latest movie ' Nanny McPhee' that came out. I can't wait to see it, seriously! If he told me about, I knew it's going to be great. He plays a little trouble-maker in the movie. It's unlike him in real life, but I knew he did great. I miss him. He's been away for 2 months now, but he should be back in a few days. He promised me he would call me first thing he comes home.

I have my female friends Lizzy and Charlotte now, but it isn't the same. I love those girls honestly, but I just miss being in the company of Thomas. He's the only one who understands me completely.

I have to say that Lizzy and Charlotte thought Thomas and I were a couple, since we hang out a lot and because we are so close. They wouldn't believe me first, but somehow I could convince them we are just friends. Luckily I also have my younger sister Annie to comfort me and hang around with. She's just 11, but we get along just fine. And she understands me too.

Thomas' POV:

I have been away for 2 months for promoting the new film I'm playing in. It's called 'Nanny McPhee'. It was fun to go to all those premiers actually. Giving autographs, getting on pictures, ... But for being away for a long time now, I can't wait to see my parents and my friends again.

When I got home and said my greetings to my parents and Ava, I pulled out my phone and called Melanie. I promised to call her as soon as I got home from New York.

" Hello?" I missed that voice. " Hey Mel.. "
" Thomas?! It's really you! You're back already!" She was excited. I could hear it in her voice.
" Can I come over?" I asked.
" Are you kidding me?! You have to come over! NOW!" She squeeled and putted the phone down.

I smiled knowing that she missed me. Ooh yeah.. You should know. The crush that started 2 years ago on that birthday party.. It hadn't go away. It has going stronger. I think I can call it 'being in love'. So what? I'm glad to be in love with my best friend. The only worse part is that I'm too scared to tell her. I know that she doesn't feel the same way. She sees me as a brother, since we've been best friends for all those years. I think that telling her might scare her, wich could lead to the thing of losing her. And I don't want that to happen. I don't want to screw up the close friendship I have with her.

I soon made my way to her house and rang the bell. Not a few seconds later, the door swung open. An exciting Melanie opened the door with a huge smile plastered on her face. That smile could bright up my whole day. I smile when I saw her. She immediately laid her arms around my neck and pulled me in bone crushing hug. I didn't hesitate to hug her back. I've missed her a lot too. Luckily I'm back in town for a long time now.

" Now you are staying here for a while! No more being Mr. Acting Guy for a while!" She said in the hug. I nodded. " I won't for a while. I promise." It felt good to have such a great friend as her. Most people think it's weird that my best friend is a girl, but I don't care.

I care a lot about her and I know she cares about me. We're close and we have a lot of fun together. She's the only person who gets me completely. I wouldn't be able to live without her anymore. I need her and I know she needs me too.

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